6 November 2011
Animal Rights Group LAST CHANCE FOR ANIMALS Threatened Civil Disobedience in Protest of Australian Live Animal Export atNewsCorp Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, Surprisingly Resulting in RUPERT MURDOCH Inviting LCA President CHRIS DeROSE to Speak at Meeting. We talk to CHRIS on this week’s show about the horrors of Australian live export, and Murdoch’s reaction […]
1 November 2008
PETA president / co-founderINGRID NEWKIRK talks about her new book ONE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and the world-famous and not-so-famous people in it who have done so bodybuilding champion, veganKENNETH G WILLIAMS talks about the natural championship approach of his vs pharmaceutical or Meat And Dairy bodybuilding – and the national contest in which he […]
12 April 2008
As World Week for Animals in Laboratories approaches, we talk to CHRIS DeROSE founder and president of LAST CHANCE FOR ANIMALS who went undercover 3 decades ago to reveal the horrors of vivisection at UCLA and Cedars Sinai, barbaric and unscientific practices that continue today DO YOU THINK YOU’RE SAFE FROM MAD COW DISEASE BECAUSE […]
28 July 2007
Animal Rights Hero CHRIS DeROSE – Fighting Mad THIS WEEKEND on the First Major Network Animal Rights Radio Program Ever !!!
3 September 2006
Our GO VEGAN Fall TV Preview Guide with guests Jorja Fox star of CSI, ER, and West Wing and Last Chance for Animals founder Chris DeRose whose new TV series Desire debuts on Tuesday on KCOP TV13 in LA and KRON TV4 in SF and nationally. Celebrating Labor Day weekend with an invitation to all […]
12 February 2006
Happy “LOVE CHICKENS, DON’T-EAT-THEM DAY” Let’s celebrate it the Sunday before Valentine’s, annually. We’re celebrating this Sunday at Animal Acres, among rescued chickens and others, 5200 Escondido Canyon Rd, Acton, CA 93510. Join the fun and bring family and friends!!! Great vegan food, outstanding live music, wonderful speakers, jugglers, video, and more!!! Adults $35, Kids […]
17 July 2005
Chris DeRose, founder of Last Chance for Animals, and Michael Budkie of Stop Animal Exploitation Now on successful demonstrations this week at the University of California after new revelations of cruel experiments at institutions like UCLA which squanders $200 million annually on torturous invalid science fiction that is all too much reality for the animals […]