18 September 2011
Guests this week – INGRID NEWKIRK, PETA President, and DIXIE MAHY, San Francisco Vegetarian Society President.BOB talked to the USDA this week about the status of SARAH, the sick 54 year old Ringling Brothers elephant slave who toppled from a railroad car in front of him and other demonstrators in Anaheim recently. WHAT DID THE […]
1 November 2008
PETA president / co-founderINGRID NEWKIRK talks about her new book ONE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and the world-famous and not-so-famous people in it who have done so bodybuilding champion, veganKENNETH G WILLIAMS talks about the natural championship approach of his vs pharmaceutical or Meat And Dairy bodybuilding – and the national contest in which he […]
13 October 2007
PETA president INGRID NEWKIRK on her meeting with Michael Vick at PETA headquarters, and – what’s so bad about KFC?Pledge a $200 donation to GO VEGAN RADIO to Bob@GoVeganRadio.com and receive a copy of Ingrid’s book “Making Kind Choices” + “Non-Violence Includes Animals” DVD – LISTEN FOR DETAILS
30 June 2007
First Air America broadcast, first vegan radio program on a major network ever – guest – PETA founder & president INGRID NEWKIRK.
28 January 2007
On the 6th anniversary of Go Vegan with Bob Linden – the very first guest on the program – Ingrid Newkirk, founder and president of PETA.
18 June 2006
A World GO VEGAN Day tribute featuring special guest INGRID NEWKIRK co-founder and president of PETA
5 June 2005
PETA President Ingrid Newkirk Meet her at the book signing for Making Kind Choices Thursday June 9 7pm at Borders Books 1072 Camino Del Rio North in Mission Valley.
30 January 2005
Ingrid discusses her new book, “Making Kind Choices”. Also, how to help save the wild horses currently threatened on federal lands.