Michael Vick Book Tour Canceled
H$U$’ Puppy Killer Spokesperson Michael Vick Book Signing Tour Canceled http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/sports/index.ssf/2013/03/michael_vicks_book_signing_tou.html
“Humane” Milk
Visit our website “Goats in Milk?” An Email Exchange with Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary With the mass efforts, from animal advocates and industry alike, to promote and endorse the myth of “humane” dairy and egg farming, we’ve been receiving an increasing number of requests from people who want to “adopt/buy” rescued animals so that they can […]
KPFA Vegan Animal Liberation Commentary June 19
Here’s the link to my vegan animal liberation commentary last week on Wednesday’s “Morning Mix” on Pacifica’s KPFA radio. No Commentary This Week – listen for it again on July 3 – http://www.kpfa.org/archive/id/92635
Soldier’s Farewell Letter
Must Read! A Soldier’s Farewell Letter Before His Last Killing Mission – of Himself… We are militarily insane. http://gawker.com/i-am-sorry-that-it-has-come-to-this-a-soldiers-last-534538357
Pelosi on Snowden
Nancy “Impeachment -Is-Off-The-Table” Pelosi is quick to convict Snowden. Can we find one “liberal democrat” in office in California who defends the Constitution and our rights?
Obama Totalitarianism
Obama’s “soft totalitarianism is still totalitarianism”. If anyone knows totalitarianism when they see it, it is the Germans. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/europe-must-stand-up-to-american-cyber-snooping-a-906250.html#spRedirectedFrom=www&referrrer=http://www.opednews.com/populum/pagem.php?f=German-magazine-Spiegel-sa-by-Daily-kos-130623-445.html
GCN Radio Station Affiliates
Here’s a list of Genesis Communications Network radio station affiliates to whom GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN is now available for broadcast. Please contact the radio station in your area and kindly ask if it is running the program live Sundays from 5pm – 7pm pacific time, or if it is recording it for […]
Program Update for June 23 Show
https://goveganradio.com/donate/ Network Premiere – TAKE 2 -THIS SUNDAY- sorry for last weekend’s technical problems – back when I was Program Director and on-air at radio stations around the country, there was always a competent station engineer, but in this modern technological world of GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN, I have to be engineer, calling the […]
Do They Hate US for “Our Freedom”…?
Do they hate US for “our freedom”, or…? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsuhoVDm-Ag
unconstitutional government
We seem to have an unconstitutional government of domestic spies. Is it legal to be unconstitutional? https://www.aclu.org/secure/stop-spying?emsrc=Nat_Appeal_AutologinEnabled&emissue=natsecurity&emtype=petition&ms=eml_acluaction_ellsbergspying_130619&af=albsi3hgJmDtVBWy5jdtmQH3Cb0OaAU6SHlkcK%2BWlw4CcloaN0dXwskNe0gXTvfOPpJg34kjS0%2FFQJtdM69ONhUB3W%2FD0TnrOb0U5c2OCYx5qE2LCxjTq5HzkAiow%2Fvv%2FBwwWJa9Tbo9RObfqr5FId6snnYtvbc%2BvVpxHny8%2BRExzbVNYHETzuI%2BlVpcMYQlzscqY9DegNpdeIs1F5Izaw%3D%3D&etname=130619+ACLU+Action+NSA+Campaign-Daniel+Ellsberg&etjid=895679