Stanford Inn By the Sea

Program Update for June 23 Show Network Premiere – TAKE 2 -THIS SUNDAY- sorry for last weekend’s technical problems – back when I was Program Director and on-air at radio stations around the country, there was always a competent station engineer, but in this modern technological world of GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN, I have to be engineer, calling the description of competent into question. Okay, thanks to all the listeners and friends who chipped in to buy the new equipment we needed to be syndicated by the Genesis Communications Network – join us THIS SUNDAY between 5pm and 7pm pacific time to see if I have all the knobs and buttons in the right place – after all, it is a matter of life or death – and I urge everyone who has family members or friends with heart disease to listen to or live interview with CALDWELL ESSELSTYN, M.D., the renowned cardiac specialist, author of “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease”, featured in “Forks Over Knives”, and credited with saving Bill Clinton – ALSO – whistleblower LESTER FRIEDLANDER, D.V.M., former USDA “meat” and slaughterhouse inspector – AND – MARILYN WILSON discusses the Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act and horse-eating controversies – PLUS – What’s wrong with gelatin and Jello?  – (Note: HOWARD LYMAN rescheduled interview TBA) – COMING JUNE 30: NOAH GITTELL, director of government affairs for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine on recent Farm Bill developments, KAREN DAVIS, United Poultry Concerns, on compassion for chickens, and why we should oppose the rotten egg bill, which is a betrayal of billions of hens by the Humane $ociety of the United $tate$, proving itself to be a “meat”-industry PR firm with its partnership with United Egg Producers – KAREN also discusses UNCOOPED, an online project of the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ANIMALS AND SOCIETY, and we will be joined by UNCOOPED curator and museum collections manager ABBIE ROGERS and CAROLYN MERINO MULLIN, museum founder and executive director – LISTEN LIVE or ARCHIVED at

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