Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea

One Response

  1. Andrew
    Andrew September 15, 2014 at 3:59 pm | | Reply

    Wonderful intro!
    Interesting learning about the humane society of the united states and mercy for animals: Condoning slaughter and exploiting animals and worse off selling out to the purpose against they purport to protest and oppose.
    They don’t run shelters or local humane societies, their name is a misnomer.
    And Savory institute partner to increase animal products by 70% by 2017?
    Seeking the seal of approval of meaninglessness from the hsus?
    Get in line with the “happy holocaust” crew(animal agriculture).
    5 years to set reversal of climate change before too late.
    World Vegan Summit and Expo
    Young vegan for life activist (vegan since birth) Sarina Farb, 20
    Chloe Falkenheim, vegetarian since 9, vegan since 13.
    Formed activist groups in school. Movement among youth.

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