21 June 2008
Is this week’s program Bob’s audition tape for diabetic and deceased Tim Russert’s old job – on “Meat Depress”? (Bob Linden blood sugar: 82) – How will Kucinich react to a common tater (you are what you eat) like Bob Linden asking such probing political questions as “Can you impeach someone who was never really […]
14 June 2008
A conversation with vegan hero DENNIS KUCINICH, who’s really to blame for salmonella, no peace for Ben & Jerry’s with its John Lennon ice cream flavor “Imagine Whirled Peace”, and peace activists declare this July 4th “F*** GEORGE W BUSH DAY” www.fgeorgewbush.com
6 October 2007
A truly amazing interview with Presidential candidate & U.S. Congress member DENNIS KUCINICH – on war & a “department of peace”, veganism, impeachment, animal rights, the Patriot Act, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, Dick Cheney, vivisection, election fraud, compassion, domestic spying, and what he ate for breakfast. DO NOT MISS THIS FASCINATING PROGRAM