Stanford Inn By the Sea

Paul Shapiro Speciesist Language

Paul Shapiro Should Watch His (Speciesist) Language – In a revealing comment in the Huffington Post, this Humane Society of the US VP of Animal Protection (lol), when criticizing the federal government for spending almost $140 million to purchase unwanted chicken,

said “the chicken industry last week seemed happy as a pig in — well, you know…”
Well, what we do know is that H$U$ has nothing but contempt for pigs and the other animals it markets for profit. Well, what we do know is that current H$U$ policies are being created and influenced by its pig “farmer” vice president (NOT vice president of animal protection) Joe Maxwell, who breeds and murders 50,000 innocent harmless animals annually.
To the Humane Society of the United States, pigs are things, property, commodities, and Paul Shapiro, their protector vp dude, makes derisive jokes about them, perpetuates myths about their filth and their stupidity to be “happy as a pig in shit”. You did mean “shit”, didn’t you, Mr. Shapiro? You couldn’t possibly have meant “happy as a pig in…Joe Maxwell’s barn?
When are you going to do your job, Mr. Shapiro, and start protecting pigs – and other animals – from your colleagues at the office?
#vegan @pshapiro

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