TOMORROW – MARCH FOR ELEPHANTS – Link BELOW to Sept 29 GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN, live from a storage room at the county fair building at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park where he is emceeing the 14th annual World Veg Fest, talking to ROSEMARY ALLES of this Friday’s MARCH FOR ELEPHANTS in opposition to their poaching for ivory – AND – one of the speakers at the upcoming Free the Animals anti-vivisection conference MURRY COHEN, M.D., physician and psychiatrist for over 40 years, former director – Narcotics Rehabilitation Center, Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York, former chief of Psychiatric Outpatient Dept, Lennox Hill Hospital in New York, former chair of Medical Research Modernization Committee, author of “Alcoholic Rats and Other Alcohol Research Using Animals”, “The Irrelevance of Animal Experimentation in Modern Psychiatry and Psychology”, and “Aping Science – A Critical Analysis of Research at the Yerkes Regional Primate Center” – PLUS – BETHANY DAVIS and JED SOLIZ from the Sacramento Vegan Challenge and Team Veg.
March for Elephants – Sept 29 Program
TWITTER: @GoVeganRadio
——-Vegetarian House vegan restaurant, San Jose – Organic Vegan Catering for All Occasions in the Bay — Say No to Gelatin, JELL-No, and Say Yes to COOL CUPS — Viva La Vegan grocery – now open at Ocean Park & 28th, Santa Monica, GRAND OPENING LAUNCH Oct 11-13 — PEACE NOW, GO VEGAN!
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