Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea


If you don’t want to be jailed by the corporate military dictatorship…

If you don’t want to be jailed by the corporate military dictatorship, chant with me – “What Do We Want? NO Free Speech! When Do We Want It? Now! End Free Speech Now!”

Whistleblower Weekly

Mind Blowing! As of June 16, listen to GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN for its new feature “Whistleblower Weekly with Lester Friedlander, D.V.M”. He’s a former USDA Inspector and trainer with revelations that will blow your mind! Please help pay for radio airtime and production and syndication costs:

The trial of modern-day hero BRADLEY MANNING began today.

The trial of modern-day hero BRADLEY MANNING began today. It will prove that a US Army Private has more moral integrity than a US President. You can know nothing about your government. It can know everything about you. Obama went to Dallas and called liar George W. Bush “a good man”. Obama wants solitary confinement […]

Out of the mouths of babes…and into the mouths of babes!

Out of the mouths of babes…and into the mouths of babes! PLEASE SHARE! This is one of the most touching videos I have ever seen. Beautiful little LUIZ is illuminating – a special boy reminding us of the truth…how we all feel…what we all know…before our hearts and brains are twisted…    

GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN – Set to Launch Syndication Sunday June 16 5pm-7pm (pacific) LIVE on the Genesis Communications Network!

GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN – Set to Launch Syndication Sunday June 16 5pm-7pm (pacific) LIVE on the Genesis Communications Network! While we had set June 2 as our target date, to do this right – we must acquire new equipment (which we are in the process of doing) – and test it all. Network-affiliated […]

Please keep those donations coming

Please keep those donations coming for my popular new campaign to “END FREE SPEECH NOW!” It’s working –

URGENT – Your donation is needed NOW – TODAY

URGENT – Your donation is needed NOW – TODAY – to assure that we have the equipment necessary to start syndication June 2 of the animals’ – and your – vegan, animal liberation show on a major radio station network. If you have ever thought about contributing, NOW IS THE TIME

Paul Shapiro explains Michael Vick

Paul Shapiro explains Michael Vick

Paul Shapiro explains Michael Vick: “HSUS’s anti-dogfighting efforts were a major reason why Vick was caught, prosecuted, and imprisoned. While he was serving time for his horrible crimes in Leavenworth, HSUS President Wayne Pacelle visited Vick in prison. It became clear that Vick, once he finished his sentence, could be used as an anti-dogfighting spokesperson […]

Audubon Zoo in New Orleans Conducts Elephant “Exertion Research”

Audubon Zoo in New Orleans Conducts Elephant “Exertion Research” in Extreme Heat – Why is this zoo allowed to keep elephants?

What? Pacelle & H$U$ Oppose Animal Abuser Registry?

What? Pacelle & H$U$ Oppose Animal Abuser Registry? Why Is H$U$ Always on the Side of Animal Abusers?

Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset