Stanford Inn By the Sea


  • From gabriel lambrianidis on Meet the Animal Killers of H$U$

    when the time comes to send them to their death what do they feel like?is it one month before the slaughter,a week before when these poor sentient beings begin to lose their right to wellfare?amazing hypocrisy coming from these people toward unsuspecting beings,animal or human.

  • From Milo Bickmore on 16 October 2013 Commentary

    I love your show but I am only able to listen to the first ten minutes . This is fuckin bullshit . Get your act together !

    • From Admin on 16 October 2013 Commentary

      Hi Milo,

      This is Ben, I help administer the Go Vegan Radio website. The KPFA commentary segments are actually under 10 minutes, typically 5 minutes long. They air on Pacifica’s KPFA Radio once a week and while they are not included in the podcast feed, they get posted on the website for anyone who would like to check them out.

      Your comment was posted on the commentary, so I think what happened is you thought you were playing a full podcast show but were only listening to the short 5 minute commentary.

  • From gabriel lambrianidis on Home, Home of Deranged

    he changed from eating flesh to being vegan but the rest of the world cant do that?he is encouraging people to eat flesh(not much but always choose “happy” flesh instead of sad flesh”).human filth,hipocrisy and loss of moral sense.i live in a small village in greece and am the only vegan i know everywhere i go.but seeing the horrific injustice done to the animals i manage a little courage and integrity to promote veganism and nothing else.these organizations should be saturated with courage and integrity to promote the vegan goliath is bigger than before.but this golliath has a david burried under a huge sack of money.that worthless sack will hit them on the head one day telling them it should have been used for veganism and rescue and nothing else.this is not a choice of mustard or ketchup.we are murdering our friends.these people lack courage and integrity.

  • From gabriel lambrianidis on "Certified Humane" Supporters

    i read a comment about the “wellfare” issue on the provoked website that shows the hipocrisy of choosing “wellfared” beings instead of more abused beings to be murdered.why would anyone in their right mind choose to murder a happy cow or pig instead of a miserable one?people walking around thinking “i just killed and ate a happy pig today instead of a abused and sad one”.what kind of moral choice is that?the whole “wellfare” issue from these organizations is totally insane.

  • From Go Vegan Radio Link to Sept 8 Program on 8 September 2013

    […] A CHAMPION FOR ANIMALS! Tax-deductible donations from people like you keep us on the air. 8 September 2013Guest PATTY MARK, founder of Animal Liberation Victoria, talks about engaging in "open" rescues, the […]

  • From Go Vegan Radio | London Vegan and Vegetarian Society on Donate

    […] Bob was honored to receive the “Shining World Hero Award” from the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. You can support the show by donating here. […]

  • From Go Vegan Radio | London Vegan and Vegetarian Society on 1 September 2013

    […] 1st September 2013 Thomas Micklewright (LVS Leader) was interviewed on Go Vegan Radio by Bob Linden about the London veg*n […]

  • From B on 1 September 2013

    I’m not even sure where to begin here. Say what you will about McDonald’s workers serving up murder on a plate but I think it is unconscionable that you’d choose to make fun of people for striking for a higher minimum wage, especially when you are broadcasting from a city that has the highest minimum wage in the country. Yes, your first job may have been for $3 an hour but now decades later people are starting out at $7.25. Can anyone really live on that kind of wage? Certainly not the average McDonald’s worker who is 31. Certainly they cannot afford health care,they are not offered sick days or vacation pay. The reality is not everyone can work at a vegan restaurant and the striking McDonalds are fighting for a higher minimum wage for everyone not just themselves or people in similar positions in the fast food industry. Considering vegans are constantly criticized for being elitist the last thing we need is people like yourself making arguments for why people do not deserve a living wage.

    • From Bob Linden on 1 September 2013

      I don’t know why you think I am not for people having a living wage. I just believe that they should earn it at an ethical job. McDonald’s is not an ethical business. It profits from slavery and murder. McDonald’s shouldn’t even be in business. I’m not sympathetic to anything associated with it. How would we feel if we look to the time of Nazi Germany when the bodies of concentration camp victims were used to make products such as lamp shades and soap – but I’m sorry – I can’t see myself ever campaigning for higher wages for a salesman of Jewish-skin furnishings. Oh, but those are the only jobs available – selling the products made from concentration camp human victims…It really is hard to elevate anything about McDonald’s because it is the depths of hell, and no one should be forced into such degrading employment as threatening children’s health by serving them murder victims.

  • From gabriel lambrianidis on Promo Code "HSUS"

    leading any innocent beings to murder them by using wellfare manuevers is betrayal and hipocrisy.if they do not know that they are psychopaths.

  • From gabriel lambrianidis on kosher

    these people end up loving the devil and become like him.the hard thing to do is love the enemy but not become like the enemy.maybe christ’s new message was that?discharging their years of abuse by their slave masters on defensless beings was the downhill steps of their road to freedom.they should have come out of it and become vegan again.but like the wellfarists they turned murder into kosher.

  • From Anna Fiona on 28 July 2013

    Thank you for your, and Gary Francione’s, contribution toward the respect of the life of animals. Every action, voice and intent toward this state of mind is needed and blessed.

  • From Joonas Dachinger on 11 August 2013

    Thank you for letting Gary Francione exceed his air time a bit, this time. I so much agree with his speech regarding vegan dogs and cats, and people’s right to domesticate dogs, cats and other animals as pets. I guess it was more or less this argument – as much as I love fish (not to eat them though) and aquatic plants, that got me to decide to get rid of my aquarium 21 years ago.

  • From gabriel lambrianidis on H$U$ Event

    how sharp a mind does one need to see that murder is digital.there are no first middle or final colorings in it.maybe they are doing ok in a society of ignorance and foolishness but they know that murder is a black and white case.the people will become vegan but not with their help.

  • From Greg Garavani on Vegan Governor of California

    This is awesome!! I would pick her over Pelosi any day!

  • From Go Vegan Radio Link to Aug 4 Program on 04 August 2013

    […]  Acupuncture For Your Dog, in the Bay Area: — Organic Vegan Catering for All Occasions in the Bay Area: — Say No to Gelatin, JELL-No, and Say Yes to COOL CUPS — with over 200 locations globally, LOVING HUT is the largest group of 100% vegan restaurants worldwide: […]

  • From Milo Bickmore on 04 August 2013

    I’ve been a fan for a long time . I’m a Supreme Master disciple . I have been a vegan since ’69 . Was part of Rainbow Island an offshoot of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love the first modern organic raw vegan community . I’m now advertising your show on the Alan Colmes Show on Fox . I’m only getting part of your show on this site . It’s hard to find on the GCN site . Tune In Radio only has old shows now . I want to help create a vegan world . May I call into your show ? Please call into the Alan Colmes Show . Luv u bro .

    • From Bob Linden on 04 August 2013

      Are you having problems hearing complete shows on the website? On what are you listening? How are you trying to advertise on the Alan Colmes radio show?

  • From online form generator on If you don't want to be jailed by the corporate military dictatorship...

    Those that cannot apply for this kind of card or that would prefer a different solution
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    as an alternative. It’s a good idea to have separate email promotions for prospects and customers, too, because you typically need to send different information to the different groups. Decide now because if you are a weight lifter, you will not build the chest that you are looking for.

  • From Fred on 28 July 2013

    Co-option IS a serious threat. It is a tactic that corporations first implemented back in the Sixties and they have been honing their skills ever since. Many “front” organizations have agendas completely at odds with what their name implies. Fred

  • From Marilee Childs on 21 July 2013

    your comments regarding the Lana Berman show


    needed and appreciated

    • From Bob Linden on 21 July 2013

      Thanks – I agree with you and me…

  • From Go Vegan Radio Speciesism – Acceptable Oppression in Progressive Media on 17 January 2009

    […] episodes of GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN with interviews with T. Colin Campbell from years ago: Okay, so according to Ms. Berman, beware […]

  • From Eric Wolff on 20 November 2011

  • From Eric Wolff on 20 November 2011

    Oops, forgot to add the Facebook site for the A/R conference.

  • From Eric Wolff on 20 November 2011

    Hi Bob, we are lucky enough to have Will Potter speak at our Aotearoa Animal Rights Conference 2013 here in Aotearoa New Zealand.

    • From Bob Linden on 20 November 2011

      Ask Will Potter why he opposes dissent against the inHumane Society of the United States. This is a serious blow to his credibility and exposes a serious lack of understanding of issues. Why can Will Potter not distinguish between animal killers and animal advocates?

  • From gabriel lambrianidis on oppression

    does god have an unimportant worthless brother creating unimportant worthless beings to be murdered by the worthy human animal created by a worthy god?we default to the answer yes from this wrong and faulty act of oppressing the non human must be something to do with language.if a non human animal started speaking in english i doubt anyone would want to kill him or her for their meat.they would tell us of a beutiful reality of heaven and times human animals come to earth and speaking our language try to remind us of our lost innocent language of mmmmaaaaa,mmmmoooo,bheeee,which enables us to see other species in a sane way like the brothers and sisters they truly are.our language is filled with derogatory meanings against our animal kin.but people forget that language is man made symbolism.we can create.but we have created this language far from the well and now we have a dislocated and broken concience and conciousness that does not work.innocence and guilt should be able to synthesize.but with our language they are kept too far apart and we are kept on the guilty side.

  • From gabriel lambrianidis on H$U$ Puck

    they are actually suggesting to the people to end up in the hospital or in hell but with a good concience?wake up people this is betayal of our best is more disgusting than every day abuse.these people would not abuse these sentient beings every day but they would abuse them just once?what human manure is this?this is crystal clear betrayal.i hope life enlightens them somehow.this is a most evil thing done to another being.

  • From gabriel lambrianidis on H$U$ Puck

    if animal liberation comes it wont be one animal at a time.before the civil war a slave could have escaped here and there but it was dangerous for them.who are they kidding?they are using the slow liberation and evolution long before the demanding of the times revolution?evolution is ok in times of peace.but in the repression of beings and in an emergency do we wait for evolution or are we creative and find a revolutionary way to save the innocent.

  • From Lucas on Pro-H$U$ ARZone

    My favorite excerpt from your previous appearance on ARZone:

    (1:25:05 in)

    Bob Linden: “If there is a compromise … I’d really like to know what the animals got. What did HSUS negotiate for the animals? What did the egg industry give up”?

    Tim Gier: “Well, I don’t know”…

    Now that’s substance!

  • From Flavio Domingos on Bob Linden KPFA Commentary June 12

    Well done!
    I downloaded the archive. Very goos.
    By the way, who is singing afetr you? i loved that rap!

  • From nora on Out of the mouths of babes...and into the mouths of babes!


    I hope his mom is inspired by his beautiful attitude; may she become a vegan cook!

  • From Marilyn Wilson on Out of the mouths of babes...and into the mouths of babes!

    What a sweet intelligent little boy!

  • From Golden Era on 12 May 2013

    Thank you Bob for everything you are doing.

    Great show, again thank you! xx


  • From Adam Weissman on Adam Weissman, I still do not see or understand your argument.

    Uh, Bob? If you’re going to direct articles at me, you think you might want to, y’know – let me know about it?

    No time to respond point by point, but

    “Meatless Mondays” are to the VEGAN ANIMAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT what “Rape-Free Wednesdays” are to the women’s liberation movement.

    is a really terrible analogy.

    – Over 96% of people in the US eat meat and for an awful lot of them, it’s something they do daily or several times a day. Now I know rape is under reported, but I do not suspect that a comparable percentage of the population commits rape 7-21 times a week.

    – Meat is legal and ubiquitous. While we can argue that we live in a rape culture and rape is shockingly, disturbingly common, it is in NO WAY normalized or accepted in the way that meat consumption is.

    Frankly, analogies like this make animal activists seem like nutballs off in space and make it very hard for normal people to take us seriously. We can think that the meat industry is hideously awful – and it is – but we can either get high off our own sense of moral superiority, or we can meet people where they are at and pull them in our direction.

    Meat Free Monday opens a conversation. It gets people to start thinking about why they might want to not eat meat – something that I get is the central question of your life, but for most people is something they NEVER THINK ABOUT. By allowing them to flirt with a little bit of vegetarianism without feeling like they have to go all in all at once, it opens a door for people who might otherwise say “give up meat? No way – not gonna happen.” And in doing that, in encourages them to grapple with climate change, animal suffering, their own health, etc. And once they do that, a Meatless Monday may become a meatless Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

    Does this actually work? I don’t know. But I don’t think it’s an anti-vegan strategy. It’s a strategy designed to push people in the right direction. Which is probably more effective that coming off as a rigid culture obsessed with our own standard of purity on an issue that for most people isn’t even a serious concern.

    Another thing about Meatless Monday – it’s something that we’ve seen institutions embrace. And that’s a big deal because it starts to shift thinking about meat consumption away from being the habit of an obscure and marginal lifestyle subculture to being a legitimate question in consensus reality. And let’s face it – we’re NEVER going to have a vegan world based on individuals going vegan one by one. Social change doesn’t EVER happen that way. If the country and the world do move in a vegan direction, it’ll be because society as a whole comes to see animal consumption as a serious question and ultimately crafts public policy to facilitate a shift.

  • From lois granda on IN DEFENSE OF ANIMALS withdraws "Rotten Egg Bill" support, encourage others to reject this horrible industry bill!

    actively oppose the irreversible harm to which harmless chickens will be sentenced by the H$U$ / egg industry legislation!

  • From Corey Lee Wrenn on Burger King - "a leader" - gets whopper of an award from Humane $ociety of the United $tate$ for "animal wellbeing"

    “contributions to the advancement of animal welfare”??? You mean making Burger King more profitable by “coaxing” them to abandon outdated production practices and giving them the HSUS stamp of approval? Gross.

    Thanks for following this Bob

  • From L&L on 3 March 2013

    This is SO awesome. I cannot believe I found this. By buying a vegan fitness and health magazine, then going to their website THEN discovering vegan radio as a link. 12 years ? How is is I never heard of it? We’ll be faithful listeners.

  • From gabriel lambrianidis on 23 December 2012

    we could have evolved as psychologically balanced beings if we treated the other species like we are supposed to.the human animal sees the negative in others.the other animals see the positive in humans.but we cant benefit from that because we are murdering them.there is nothing on this earth that has not been corrupted from this act of murdering innocent beings.

  • From mark on 31 March 2013

    i like your show, thanks.

  • From Richard Angel on 17 March 2013

    Great show, keep up the good work Bob.

  • From Bob Linden on please donate to WORLD VEGAN SUMMIT & EXPO

    about 40 so far…

Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset