Stanford Inn By the Sea


  • From entityfree on 23 October 2016

    it would be nice to be by jain people, especially to be around people who share the view of non-harm to insects, i have thought.

  • From JuanRa on 10 July 2011

    Do you know how is Loreen now?

  • From entityfree on 23 October 2016

    of course jains should believe in veganism. furthermore, exchange in body fluids is part of the trade in living beings. a no-no in buddhism. this is why medical science is so evil.

  • From entityfree on 18 September 2016

    i still surprised at this and think awesome, i did not know that canada said animals sentient.

  • From Jacob on 24 November 2013

    You should dig up this slaughter video to play it for the present Thanksgiving show

  • From Maurice Skipper on 31 October 2016

    Love the show #TheBNShow

  • From Jacob on 01 February 2015

    That interview you played, at around 45:30 with paul sauder of the egg industry who claims that the meatless monday campaigns are responsible for the 30 year high’s in demand for eggs… could you share the source of that interview? I’d like to post that specific clip on social media but your archive doesn’t allow for inline sharing like youtube (where you can share a video so that it will start at a specific point in time), thanks!

  • From entityfree on 18 September 2016

    you can abstain from loaded(?) choices..right? is what i say. e.g. yes if believe it helps, but if you believe it immoral, (same with adjustments to already bad laws ) e.g. ‘you want me to say battery cage is ok?’ ‘i abstain’…related to sep 18? show. the majority of people will become vegan eventually though. you can also write in on ballots and rank your choices. (what i think). and let the mass media know they are irresponsible

  • From Jacob on 03 August 2014

    Bob… you can mute microphones and set automatic time limits… would make for a much better debate

  • From Mary Finelli on 21 August 2016

    Excellent interview, Angel truly is an impressively articulate animal advocate. I’m especially glad that the campaign is making such a point of including concern for fishes, given that they are the greatest number of harmfully exploited vertebrates and suffer some of the worst abuses yet receive the least protection or concern, even from the animal rights community.

    Here’s the petition to help promote the campaign:

    Thanks also to you, Bob, for including fishes in your animal advocacy. Thanks very much!

  • From Jeff Melton on 21 August 2016

    So nice, for a change, to see you being so positive and supportive about other animal rights activists’ work, Bob. I agree, it’s enough to bring tears to our eyes to see a vegan/animal rights message right there in Times Square. Wonderful to see!

  • From Dede on 21 August 2016

    Great interview, Bob. I’m sorry you are having so many technical problems. Hope you get them fixed soon. Love all the work you do to spread veganism! <3

  • From TYR on 24 July 2016

    Bob, you might like to listen to this. The transcript will be out soon. The Science of “SuperMeat” : If It Sounds Too Good To Be True, It Probably Is

  • From Y on 26 July 2015

    If you saw a dog getting abused of course you would intervene if you were actually there but in a store how are you going to physically stop the people purchasing the eggs, dairy, meat ect.

    • From Amanda Sather on 26 July 2015

      You take actions like DxE does. Attend grocery stores and inform people that the packaged piece of meat in their cart is not food, it’s violence.

  • From John on I was just accused of being "sexist" for criticizing Hillary Clinton's pro-war policies

    Lots of phoney progressives out there. Like, 98%. If you ain’t vegan, you ain’t progressive.

  • From Charles on I was just accused of being "sexist" for criticizing Hillary Clinton's pro-war policies

    Well Put Bob, Well Put.

  • From Vanda Kadas on 26 July 2015

    As a longterm vegan for over 20 years now I am wholeheartedly grateful to have finally learnt about Professor Francione, and his logical and inspiring Abolitionist
    Approach a few years ago. Professor Francione says it as it is and I truly believe if the animals could communicate in English they would keep saying many sincere “thank you” to him. Gratitude to Mr.Linden as well for developing and keeping Go Vegan Radio in the air!
    Peace! The world is vegan if you want it! /Gary L. Francione/

  • From Matthew on 08 May 2016

    Clifton Roberts of The Humane Party for President!!!!

  • From Kim on The Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre Betrayal of Vegans Is Worse Than You Think

    People have different reasons for veganism. Some reasons are better than others. But who is to judge? I know these people and got the feeling they were just playing with being vegan; starting their first restaurant, which i worked at. They were into the healthy side first it seems. They thought raw vegan food would be very healthy and spiritual. I don’t remember any talk of loving or respecting animals. I am sure the love was at least partially there, but a “true” vegan knows the real love and compassion. It doesn’t lessen with time either. There are no ex-vegans.

  • From JoAnne "Michi" on 10 April 2016

    I just found your program.
    I’ve been vegetarian for many years.
    I recently went vegan after realizing, I was being a hypocrite.
    I was saying I am an animal lover, but was still consuming eggs and dairy.
    NO MORE!!

  • From Ruth Riddle on 27 March 2016

    Just listened to your radio show for the first time. You interviewed Gary Francione, whom I also just recently discovered. I have been vegan since 1986. I started with humane groups, discovered PETA, ALF, etc. However, I have evolved beyond humane and animal rights movements. I continue to educate myself. I firmly believe in veganism as an ethical lifestyle.

    Thank you for sharing information. I hope to attend the World Vegan Summit in July. Look forward to meeting you and other vegans.

  • From disconouvo on 27 March 2016

    I would love to here you guys discussing vegan initiatives and strategies that work and that could be adopted by people to improve their activism.
    much respect

  • From Disco Nouvo on 06 March 2016

    thankyou for talking about cultured meat. It’s an expensive distraction that’s fooling everyone, well, not you. Always inspiring!!!!!!

  • From stephanie on 06 March 2016

    Thank you for having Tracy Murphy, founder of Asha Sanctuary in Newfane, New York, on your show. The newest campaign “Meet A Cow” week, being held April 17th through the 23rd, will help spread awareness that these are wonderful, sentient beings, and not your breakfast/lunch/dinner today. Kudos for a terrific show!

  • From Tracy on 06 March 2016

    Thank you Bob!! I had such a great time being part of your show. Thank you for your incredible work in educating the world to Go Vegan now!!!

  • From Jerry on 06 March 2016

    What a crusader for farmed animals Tracy Murphy is! That interview was great! Keep up the great work there at ASHA sanctuary.

  • From adam on 07 February 2016 not vegan I’m afraid…

  • From pamela sickinger on 14 February 2016

    thanks or this

  • From Silvana on 14 February 2016


    Kittykat Musik

    we met long long ago at a Starbucks by chance …

    Thanks for what you do.

  • From Mark on 24 January 2016

    When I am confused if something is at least “a step in the right direction” when it comes to ameliorate animal suffering, it always helps me to put things into perspective by thinking what it would be like if we were talking about a case of exploiting humans. For example the so called mentioned food deserts.

    Just imagine we were 200 years back and we were trying to abolish slavery. Someone would try to justify slavery by saying they live in an area where it is not possible to live without a slave or where weather or whatever external conditions justify our use of slaves!?! Ridiculous, right?!? If there is a will, there is a way. If you wanna find an excuse there always is an excuse.

  • From Thomas on 31 January 2016

    I heard the comments about the new category of egg-eating vegetarians, so-called “veggans” !!!

    Consider this, Bob:
    Bacon-eaters – “Vacons”
    Pig-eaters – “Vigans”
    Chicken-eaters – “Vickans”
    Beef-eaters – “Veefans”
    Cheese-eaters – Veezans

    Yes, a new name for every animal food fetish !!!!!
    Anything to distract from veganism !!

    Vancouver, WA

    PS: keep up the great shows !!

  • From Doris O'Toole on 31 January 2016

    1st time listener awesome!!!

  • From Christian Sanchez on 31 January 2016

    Thank you!

  • From chino on 24 January 2016

    You should consider putting your stuff on youtube.

  • From lynn walker on 24 January 2016

    Clifton Roberts is awesome. Please tell him to never give up – keep on keeping on. So happy to know he is out there. I just found out about him and will campaign for him for the next election.

  • From Rio on 02 March 2014

    So good to hear such a strong voice for animals in the etherworld.

    I include this show on my new blog

    Peace, Love, Bliss!

  • From Shanez Veganess on 8 January 2012

    Jacques and Roxanne practice the same prejudice he speaks of changing, except they practices their prejudices and discrimination on animals. I have respect for the Venus Project until they speak of animals being exploited. They miss the plot altogether … there will never be a harmonious world while we still hold prejudice and discriminatory attitudes towards ‘other’ species. While we still slaughter other species, ‘because we can’and because we still hold the myths that we need too for nutritional benefits. If we continue this ignorant and arrogant practice we still maintain a backward, primitive, uncivilised and destructive mentality and behaviour. We must have the ‘conscious’ revolution before the world really starts being in balance. Animals must have our protection.

  • From Tofurist on 06 December 2015

    Hey senor sin queso, this is Tofurist calling……keep it up Bob…..

  • From Joonas Dachinger on 06 December 2015

    I’m not tired of hearing you talk about climate change, Bob. Love your show. Keep up the good work.

  • From Chris on 26 July 2015

    I think the analogy Wayne makes with the dog beating is valid in how it illustrates the best ethical choice is to intervene. If we are going to intervene non-violently, I agree with Gary that it is incoherent to be trying to convince the dog beater to start convincing others not to beat dogs before first convincing him not to beat dogs himself.

    I cannot fathom an activist advocating for true animal liberation (in the real sense of the word liberation – total freedom from ownership and oppression), that hadn’t yet put veganism in to practice in his or her own life first. Nobody is going to make the jump from omnivorism to vegan activism without passing through veganism first, and so veganism is what needs to be stressed when dealing with the general public.

    Wayne is right that 1% of the population going vegan and being silent about it will not lead to change, and we do need activists, but it is the people who are ALREADY vegan who are going to take action and become activists, and it seems that DxE’s stunts are all targeted at non-vegans in public places. If DxE wants to contribute by creating activists, which might fill a useful purpose, it should focus on people who are already vegan, and the loud slogans would not be necessary since vegans are easily engaged in discussion on matters of animal rights.

  • From Oleksiy on 26 July 2015

    I’m split on this. I like the angry activist approach of DxE, but I also want to promote veganism as a moral baseline – and DxE doens’t usually even mention veganism.

  • From Marlene Watson-Tara on 26 July 2015

    Professor Gary Francione, speaks the truth……. there is nothing else to say…. this man speaks the truth, his courage and faith is like no one else. I bow down to him in admiration.

  • From Eric Wolff on 25 October 2015

    Sladjana, is this the song you mean? Wha me eat, by Macka B.

  • From Sladjana on 25 October 2015

    Please tell me who the reggae singer was of that awesome song, I’m a vegan, is? Thank you!

  • From Roy Taylor on 18 October 2015

    Compared to Michael, those other two blokes sound like complete numptys.

  • From Whitney on 26 July 2015

    I find this “discussion” to be incredibly frustrating. Gary Francione very rudely interrupts Wayne Hsiung throughout, and then at the very end, has the nerve to comment that it is not an effective discussion because he has to wait for Wayne to finish making his points. THAT is the entire problem here. Some MAJOR no-no’s for effective communication include interrupting the speaker, and not trying to understand the speaker’s point of view before formulating and asserting your own. This is clearly demonstrated at the very end, when Gary suggests that Dxe’s position is to make people effective activists without them being vegan. Wayne and DxE NEVER made that assertion. Wayne was simply making the point that it is not enough just to go vegan, and that we need to do more and become activists and inspire others to also engage in activism. And this is something that you, Bob Linden, also have a whole speech about it. That speech is the one that first introduced me to you. So I’m still not sure what you have against DxE, as you actually want the same things. From where I sit, it just looks like you’re not effectively listening to what Wayne and DxE have to say.

  • From Diana Costa on 18 October 2015

    Let the speakers finish their thoughts. We can tell the bullshit from the logical stuff. Francione makes sense but he needs to let others finish their sentences.

  • From chris on 18 October 2015

    This sounds like a childish republican debate. I know vegans are passionate about the mission but its hard to “hear” anything when people are arguing and talking over each other. I wish vegans could take a higher road so that at the minimum they don’t turn off people to this very important mission.

  • From Susan Griffiths on 11 October 2015

    At first Butterflies Katz found that vegan food did not taste that good, so part of her activism was to learn how to make vegan food taste good. I hadn’t looked at it this way, but now it is pointed out I realize I felt and did the same. I also like that Butterflies Katz pointed out that she doesn’t see vegan as a diet – rather it is an ethical way to live. And, apparently this is the first vegan radio show – didn’t know that. And the truth – virtually everything that is wrong with the world comes from the animal agricultural industry. This industry is spurned from greed and violence and causes social inequity, suffering to humans, animals and the planet.

  • From Paul Spring on 18 October 2015

    Bob – love your show. Please take this as constructive criticism. You and Gary have to let these guys hang themselves. When Gary steps all over Webermann verbally he comes across as unsure of his own convictions as if they don’t stand on their own without being repeated. It also engenders our natural negative reaction against bullying behavior ( even though it may be justified by moral outrage).Have confidence that we, the listeners, get it. Its important for me anyway to hear the other side in its full gory (glory). I am left with only a partial feel for the absurdity of Webermann’s approach because Gary couldn’t control himself. This makes for very bad radio.

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