Stanford Inn By the Sea

2 Responses

  1. Alfredo Kuba
    Alfredo Kuba November 29, 2013 at 9:43 am | | Reply

    Bob mention this “prayer” on your show for this bloody holidays.


    By: Alfredo Kuba (10/20/11)

    Dear Lord, we thank you for the meal we are about to receive.

    We thank you Lord for the poor creature who lays lifeless and dead upon our table, who was murdered in cold blood and we are about to devour.

    We thank you Lord for all the misery this poor animal and MILLIONS more just like him endure every day throughout their horrible lives.

    We thank you Lord for the horrifying death he endured at the slaughterhouse at the hands of thoughtless and heartless men such as ourselves.

    Oh dear Lord, We thank you for making us just as thoughtless and heartless as we are about to devour him, limb by limb, and body part by body part.

    Dear Lord we thank you for all the diseases and death we bring upon ourselves by devouring your creatures.

    We thank you Lord for all the environmental degradation, deforestation and destruction we cause upon all of your creation and which is caused by devouring your creatures.

    We thank you Lord for all the habitats we destroy and the mass murders of all your wildlife also caused by devouring your creatures.

    We also thank you Lord for all the millions of your innocent creatures who are tortured and murdered in research laboratories each day in bogus and futile experiments that look for cures for diseases we create by devouring your creatures. And we thank Lord for all the havoc and mayhem we bring upon all of the Earth, your creatures and all of your creation.


    Any religious holiday or celebration requiring the systematic mass murder of billions of innocent sentient beings, sacrificed to satisfy human gluttony constitutes a ritualistic, cold blooded cult.

  2. Jacob
    Jacob November 13, 2016 at 9:00 am | | Reply

    You should dig up this slaughter video to play it for the present Thanksgiving show

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