Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

4 Responses

  1. entityfree
    entityfree November 16, 2016 at 10:52 pm | | Reply

    of course jains should believe in veganism. furthermore, exchange in body fluids is part of the trade in living beings. a no-no in buddhism. this is why medical science is so evil.

  2. entityfree
    entityfree December 2, 2016 at 6:50 pm | | Reply

    it would be nice to be by jain people, especially to be around people who share the view of non-harm to insects, i have thought.

  3. Louise mollot di cicco
    Louise mollot di cicco January 4, 2017 at 1:56 pm | | Reply

    Life means changes,even rocks change,so of course industries will change n convert to plants,hopefully to green leaves,esp. Lettuce trees,just like there’s 17% less medical students accepted into training now,slow change I know,but life is change,keep on n continue boycotting vaccines all are animal researched n tested on poor children. Mothers n prisoners,big appreciation for your show,will u cover children slaves in animal farms,w laws
    Agriculture exemptions ,see article by ex child laborer,Reproducing Dominion,also child amputees societies etc,these are white,north America n slaving unpaid on relatives or foster parent farms

  4. Louise mollot di cicco
    Louise mollot di cicco January 4, 2017 at 2:13 pm | | Reply

    Canada puts up slaughterhouse slaves in moldy trailer s in Alberta city Brooks,see their strike despite being temporary workers war refugees from Sudan etc,2 workers beat n left for dead in freezing ditch,Edmonton later dropped attempted murder charge vs CEO n other management who rammed I no n injured union leader,

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