Stanford Inn By the Sea

2 Responses

  1. entityfree
    entityfree November 5, 2016 at 5:32 pm | | Reply

    you can abstain from loaded(?) choices..right? is what i say. e.g. yes if believe it helps, but if you believe it immoral, (same with adjustments to already bad laws ) e.g. ‘you want me to say battery cage is ok?’ ‘i abstain’…related to sep 18? show. the majority of people will become vegan eventually though. you can also write in on ballots and rank your choices. (what i think). and let the mass media know they are irresponsible

  2. entityfree
    entityfree November 16, 2016 at 10:26 pm | | Reply

    i still surprised at this and think awesome, i did not know that canada said animals sentient.

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