Stanford Inn By the Sea

4 Responses

  1. Paul Spring
    Paul Spring October 21, 2015 at 8:46 pm | | Reply

    Bob – love your show. Please take this as constructive criticism. You and Gary have to let these guys hang themselves. When Gary steps all over Webermann verbally he comes across as unsure of his own convictions as if they don’t stand on their own without being repeated. It also engenders our natural negative reaction against bullying behavior ( even though it may be justified by moral outrage).Have confidence that we, the listeners, get it. Its important for me anyway to hear the other side in its full gory (glory). I am left with only a partial feel for the absurdity of Webermann’s approach because Gary couldn’t control himself. This makes for very bad radio.

  2. chris
    chris November 1, 2015 at 10:40 am | | Reply

    This sounds like a childish republican debate. I know vegans are passionate about the mission but its hard to “hear” anything when people are arguing and talking over each other. I wish vegans could take a higher road so that at the minimum they don’t turn off people to this very important mission.

  3. Diana Costa
    Diana Costa November 4, 2015 at 3:48 am | | Reply

    Let the speakers finish their thoughts. We can tell the bullshit from the logical stuff. Francione makes sense but he needs to let others finish their sentences.

  4. Roy Taylor
    Roy Taylor November 11, 2015 at 12:42 am | | Reply

    Compared to Michael, those other two blokes sound like complete numptys.

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