Stanford Inn By the Sea

4 Responses

  1. B
    B September 7, 2013 at 5:35 pm | | Reply

    I’m not even sure where to begin here. Say what you will about McDonald’s workers serving up murder on a plate but I think it is unconscionable that you’d choose to make fun of people for striking for a higher minimum wage, especially when you are broadcasting from a city that has the highest minimum wage in the country. Yes, your first job may have been for $3 an hour but now decades later people are starting out at $7.25. Can anyone really live on that kind of wage? Certainly not the average McDonald’s worker who is 31. Certainly they cannot afford health care,they are not offered sick days or vacation pay. The reality is not everyone can work at a vegan restaurant and the striking McDonalds are fighting for a higher minimum wage for everyone not just themselves or people in similar positions in the fast food industry. Considering vegans are constantly criticized for being elitist the last thing we need is people like yourself making arguments for why people do not deserve a living wage.

    1. Bob Linden
      Bob Linden September 26, 2013 at 12:00 am | | Reply

      I don’t know why you think I am not for people having a living wage. I just believe that they should earn it at an ethical job. McDonald’s is not an ethical business. It profits from slavery and murder. McDonald’s shouldn’t even be in business. I’m not sympathetic to anything associated with it. How would we feel if we look to the time of Nazi Germany when the bodies of concentration camp victims were used to make products such as lamp shades and soap – but I’m sorry – I can’t see myself ever campaigning for higher wages for a salesman of Jewish-skin furnishings. Oh, but those are the only jobs available – selling the products made from concentration camp human victims…It really is hard to elevate anything about McDonald’s because it is the depths of hell, and no one should be forced into such degrading employment as threatening children’s health by serving them murder victims.

  2. Go Vegan Radio | London Vegan and Vegetarian Society

    […] 1st September 2013 Thomas Micklewright (LVS Leader) was interviewed on Go Vegan Radio by Bob Linden about the London veg*n […]

  3. Richard Loughlin
    Richard Loughlin November 21, 2013 at 3:41 am | | Reply

    Hello greatest broadcaster that ever lived,
    I listened with interest to your interview with Thomas Micklewright and now know the reason the vegan movement in London is so namby pamby. To have a founder promoting meat free mondays…what?…it’s ok to eat meat for 6 days? I was a member of the Greenwich borough vegan society who recently changed their name to the ‘greenwich vegan and vegetarian society’ so I politely mentioned on their facebook page that many vegans see vegetarianism as bad as meat eating. Liquid meat. I was then tweeted by Thomas from the @LondonVeganSoc that we need unity. This is where you may recognise this story. You tweeted him ‘@LondonVeganSoc @darthbuzz Unity will only come with veganism. We cannot unify behind ANY tolerance for rape, imprisonment, & murder’ and then ‘@LondonVeganSoc @darthbuzz Dairy & Egg Consuming “Veggies” May As Well Eat Steak & Chicken Legs – why are they different from “meat” eaters?’. I thank you very much for these and there should be no tolerance. I have un-follewed them and the other vagueatarians. Richard

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