Stanford Inn By the Sea

3 Responses

  1. entityfree
    entityfree July 18, 2017 at 6:33 pm | | Reply

    pedophilia is a different concept from rape and child abuse and exploitation, and other things. (it is still treated like a mental disease as homosexuality(which i personally do not like) was)(so, because of all the 19 year olds on parole or whatever, you sound ignorant(?) to me when you use that as an example all the time when talking about veganism.)

  2. entityfree
    entityfree July 18, 2017 at 7:13 pm | | Reply

    that is what i call scavenger veganism. only type of meat eating possibly justifiable.

  3. entityfree
    entityfree July 18, 2017 at 7:21 pm | | Reply

    yes you were a vegan as your shoes were wearing out.

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