Stanford Inn By the Sea

Wayne Pacelle & John Robbins

I love JOHN ROBBINS for the positive impact he has had on my life, and for inspiring countless others to GO VEGAN! John always wants to do the right thing, yet somehow he has been misled into presenting blood-soaked anti-vegan butcher WAYNE PACELLE as a “visionary speaker” in his “2014 Food Revolution Summit”. The glowing description of Pacelle includes the following:  “Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, learn how your food choices can say no to cruelty and contribute to compassion.” WHAT???
Our truly beloved John Robbins is a globally influential figure. His endorsement of Pacelle is implied, yet one cannot imagine Robbins associating himself with the deceptive policies of a “meat”-industry partner and propagandist so detrimental to animals, human lives, and the environment. People will remember a pig farmer story in “Diet for A New America” that was most touching. It is unthinkable that Mr. Robbins would knowingly glowingly endorse an organization run by pig farmers, as HSUS is. Perhaps Mr. Robbins is busy like so many others, and only knows HSUS through its glitzy spin-doctor PR machine.
Please RESPECTFULLY ask him to understand the gravity of the situation, the importance of his influence, the harm it can cause if misdirected, and the need to remove Pacelle from his website and as a speaker immediately. A true food revolution requires a revolution against HSUS.
NOW DO YOU SEE WHY WE NEED A “World Vegan Summit & Expo”?

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