Stanford Inn By the Sea


The purity of the VEGAN movement is simply that one has to be VEGAN to be in the movement, and therefore the virtues of VEGANISM are exclusive to VEGANS, and by definition, cannot be attributed to “animal-“product vegetarians” until they rid themselves of their diet of violence, mass murder, torture, environmental devastation, resource depletion, disease, and global social consequence. Yes, for awhile, I called myself “vegetarian” during a time period when, I am embarrassed to say, I was actually clueless about the horrific cruelty and mass murder dripping in my cheese omelet. As soon as I learned, I realized my “vegetarianism” was meaningless. I had become “vegetarian”, I thought, because my conscience would not allow me to be complicit in massacre and finance the stabbing, throat-slashing, and beheading of creatures whom I respect and love. I stopped eating animals FOR the animals, so – once I knew the truth – how could I continue to oppress them, to rape them, to mutilate them, to kill them – even for one more minute, one more meal, with one more chicken’s egg, with one more sip of cows’ milk? This isn’t about some weird dietary fad. This is about life and death. Regarding animals, there is no place in my heart for delay or excuses, most especially if I recognize that I am the cause of their suffering. I personally could not have lived with myself for one more minute – had I not gone VEGAN then, in 1984, now 30 years ago, when I realized that it is the only way…

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