06 March 2017
BOB rips apart a nonsensical irrational Sierra Club magazine article “Toward a Moral Case for Eating Meat” + Heart-Healthiest Foods + commentary with Professors GARY FRANCIONE and ANNA CHARLTON
27 February 2017
How Climate Change Will Affect Global Food Supply + the One Story that Gets Less Media Coverage than Pizza-gate + BOB’s New “Water-gate” + guest JEHINA MALIK, the first IFBB professional bodybuilder VEGAN SINCE BIRTH + weekly commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE – is being vegan elitist?
21 February 2017
Our Presidents’ Day Show – with a salute to the great American virtue of truth (avoidance, that is) + Comparing the Impact on Climate Change of Animal Agriculture to the Keystone Pipeline (and Ignoring that Obama Approved the Equivalent of 10 Keystones Since 2010) + commentary with Professors GART FRANCIONE & ANNA CHARLTON – Remembering […]
17 January 2017
BOB bids a not-so-fond farewell to Ringling Brothers and proclaims that from now on, GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN will be known as “the greatest show on earth” + how much of your donation money to the Humane Society of the US went to Ringling Brothers’ pockets? + guest MIKE HUDAK, PhD, introduces us […]
09 January 2017
Lots of Climate Change Talk on This Week’s Show – listeners want BOB to raise funds to go to Sundance where Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” sequel will debut (and conveniently avoid the truth again, no doubt) + thoughts on the death of Sea World orca prisoner Tilikum and that prison’s “sustainable seafood” + commentary with […]
26 December 2016
BOB appeals for donations to Go Vegan Radio from people who appreciate our weekly Climate Change coverage and presentation of the only solution for it, before it’s too late – and this week – BOB debunks a Nobel Prize – winning denier, and then asserts that it doesn’t matter if one is “alarmist” or “denier”, […]
19 December 2016
Helping the Homeless & Their Companion Animals – an interview with KAREN HAMZA of Angel Hanz for the Homeless +Wine Not Vegan? Finding Organic Vegan Wine – with VERONIQUE RASKIN of the Organic Wine Company + commentary with Professors GARY FRANCIONE & ANNA CHARLTON
05 December 2016
BOB takes note that GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN, the first vegan program ever to infiltrate “mainstream media”, is about to turn Sweet 16 (unsweetened by refined sugar or high fructose GMO corn syrup) + latest developments on “meat”/dairy/egg/fish – consumltion caused Climate Change * Professors GARY FRANCIONE & ANNA CHARLTON commentary on UK […]
28 November 2016
Listen! Here’s a hot topic for family gatherings: Vaccines & Autism – Is There a Cover Up? Guest: KENT HECKENLIVELY, author of “Inoculated – How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism”
21 November 2016
Listen: Native American Culture – Was It VEGAN? Yes, it’s that time again – for expressions of gratitude through ritualistic bird-massacre animal sacrifice, with cranberry sauce, “from Plymouth Rock to Standing Rock – Thanks for Nothing” + Mercy For Animals’ Million Dollar Outrage + what did Alex Hershaft just say + commentary from professors GARY […]