01 August 2017
BOB’s Special Message to Attendees of the “Animal Rights CONference” + the “Animal Rights Movement’s” New Animal-Research Connections + commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE: “Is Daiya Cheese Still Vegan?” PLEASE NOTE: We are aware of the sound quality issue and are working on it.
03 July 2017
Did the AMA Really Recommend Vegan Food for Hospitals + Huge Iceberg Breaking Off Antarctica + Who is Boaty McBoatface? + commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE
12 June 2017
Does Anyone Have Integrity Anymore? What Has Happened to Forks Over Knives, Farm Sanctuary, FARM, HSUS, Mercy For Animals, and Others – Now Actively Promoting “Meat” Eating? + commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE
23 May 2017
“Impossible Burger”: Genetically Engineered? + Barbecued Cancer: the 5 Worst “Foods” to Grill + Chelsea Manning Released: What Was Revealed through WikiLeaks? + commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE
15 May 2017
Unbelievable! Listen! HSUS Backs Legislation FOR SMALLER CAGES for DOGS Used for Research, Breeding, & Puppy Mills! WTF? + commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE Patreon makes it possible for you to support our important and unique work by subscription for as little as $1 a month.
09 May 2017
SHOCKING!!! “Animal Rights Movement” Is Dead “Meat”! This past year, millions and millions of dollars have been pocketed by sell-out groups (over $12 million split among the Humane Society of the US, Mercy for Animals, the Humane League, and Compassion Over Killing, and there’s so much more) buying their allegiance from the animals to the […]
25 April 2017
Must Listen!!! THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SHOW ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE & THE ENVIRONMENT THAT YOU WILL EVER HEAR!!! Please Share!!! Patreon makes it possible for you to support our important and unique work by subscription for as little as $1 a month.
10 April 2017
Your Browser History is for Sale! What Can You Do? + The Meaninglessness of Non-Vegan “Vegetarianism” + Climate Change News + commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE
03 April 2017
More important than Earth Day or useless marches – April is “GO VEGAN to STOP CLIMATE CHANGE Month” + Richard Branson tells New Zealand farmers to grow cannabis instead of cows + commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE – would becoming a lawyer help animals?
27 March 2017
No Whey! Guest GEOFF PALMER, CEO of Clean Machine, talks about a new Vegan superfood, “Lentein”, that took this year’s Natural Products Expo by storm, that should interest everyone – including bodybuilders who regularly threaten their health with carcinogenic whey + BOB introduces strategies to get the CIA to GO VEGAN + 2016: Hottest Year […]