Stanford Inn By the Sea

“So Fun” for Vegans Who Approve of Meat

If You Are A “Vegan” Who Approves of “Meat”, Go Ahead – Keep Supporting H$U$

In this video presentation of H$U$ Chief Executing Officer, Wayne Pacelle, H$U$ identifies itself as an “animal protection organization”. Who will protect the animals from H$U$?
H$U$, a wealthy one-per-center butcher -lobbyist PR firm, in its Orwellian spin, now has brainwashed “vegans” into calling mass murderers and breeders of animals – “farmers”. (It must be so pleasant around “harvest” time.)
In Pacelle’s own words..
.”We don’t want fewer farmers…we want more farmers…”
“Are we the enemy of farmers when we’re creating markets for that many farmers? No, we are an ally!”
“Joe Maxwell’s views have permeated our organization…It’s been so fun for me to see his impact on our organization.” (H$U$ Vice President Joe Maxwell makes his living by his killing of 50,000 pigs every year. “SO FUN”?)
“When you do right by animals, you have better outcomes – of course in terms of productivity…”
“UEP is getting the message on BARREN battery cages…”
“…Maybe if people are eating a little bit less meat, they’re gonna value it a little bit more…”
In the age of deception and spin, one thing is now perfectly clear –
Anyone supporting H$U$ – even a “vegan” – has blood on his or her hands – literally. If you don’t believe me, perhaps you’d like to hear it directly from Pacelle…

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