Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

Save Baking Horses By Giving H$U$ Money

Pathetic Pacelle on Jane Velez- Mitchell Says Join H$U$ to Save Baking Horses? Please ask Jane Velez-Mitchell to un-friend the pathetic animal abuser Wayne Pacelle and stop giving this butcher a platform to pretend to speak for animals. Horses are baking in the sun NOW and Pacelle says sterilization, infertility drugs, and H$U$ membership are the answer? (Of course that would be his greedy answer. H$U$ owns the patent on the horse infertility drug PZP, made from pigs’ eggs.) Pacelle did not say that sprinklers are not the answer – because there is a drought and the horses need the water to drink. And he did not say to contact Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell to demand that structures to provide shade need to be built immediately. Instead, he said – give H$U$ your money. Hear why former USDA Inspector and current whistleblower Lester Friedlander, D.V.M, calls Pacelle’s remarks on Velez-Mitchell “IRRESPONSIBLE” – this Sunday on GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN – Sunday, 5pm-7pm pacific – click LISTEN LIVE at www.GoVeganRadio.com, nationally-syndicated by the Genesis Communications Network @velezmitchell

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