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Paul Shapiro explains Michael Vick

Paul Shapiro explains Michael Vick: “HSUS’s anti-dogfighting efforts were a major reason why Vick was caught, prosecuted, and imprisoned. While he was serving time for his horrible crimes in Leavenworth, HSUS President Wayne Pacelle visited Vick in prison. It became clear that Vick, once he finished his sentence, could be used as an anti-dogfighting spokesperson with urban African-American kids. These kids, who often are at risk for dogfighting, are unlikely to listen to white people coming into their communities to try to tell them what to do. But many will listen to someone like Vick, which is why it’s important we use him as an anti-dogfighting spokesperson. It doesn’t help dogs to just perpetually flog this man long after he’s served his sentence. It does help dogs to prevent kids from getting involved in dogfighting.”

michael vick fur


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