Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

Our Obligation to Animals to Shut Down the Obscene & Perverted Humane Society of the United States – for Good

So it took a salsa-dancing masturbation fetish to dethrone Wayne Pacelle, and Paul Shapiro dancing and prancing in his jockey shorts in front of employees (singing his tune about wanting sex with as many women as possible) to be his demise. Hallelujah! Good riddance! Sexual misconduct in the workplace – and anywhere else – is unacceptable. Don’t trip on the donor cash bulging in the pockets of your pants dropped around your ankles on your way out the door.
My main question is: why didn’t their abusive actions AGAINST ANIMALS get them the (“humane leather”) boot long ago? Politico lauds Shapiro’s greatest accomplishment to be McDonald’s promise to shift to (the cruelty and mass murder of) “cage-free” eggs in a decade, thus elevating Mickey D’s to heroic status in the “animal rights movement”. Quite an accomplishment – turning an Egg McMuffin of the distant future into today’s “animal advocacy”!
The Humane Society of the United States has been a perverted obscenity long before recent exposure, and it had nothing to do with the treatment of women. Unlike sexism, racism, homophobia, etc., Human Supremacist Speciesism remains such acceptable oppression that even female exploitation isn’t considered intolerable – or even a problem. It is considered delicious. I scream. You scream. We all scream.
Why should it come as a surprise to you that a corporation whose very foundation, business model, and revenue stream are based in large-scale abuse of animals, and deception about it, would have an abusive work environment? When sexual misconduct allegations were surfacing against Shapiro, he was able to transfer jobs at HSUS, with Pacelle’s blessing, like a pedophile priest moving to a new church. Eventually he, and Pacelle, had to be chased from their sanctuary for their actions against other humans.
Why wasn’t it THE POLICIES of this corrupt organization RELATED TO ANIMALS that would lead to the collapse of the Humane Society of the United States’ flawed leadership? Apparently Human Supremacist Speciesism runs rampant, even among “vegans”, “animal advocates”, and sponsoring “vegan” companies who should all know better.
Would you ever find ANY of what HSUS advocates for animals suitable goals for your daughter or son to endure, or someone who is… insert the race, ethnicity, or religion of your choice here ——- ? Of course not – but THEY are ONLY ANIMALS, so torture away, imprison away, stab away – and yes, rape away; and this warped “movement” will condone away, all the way… Rape is NEVER acceptable, EXCEPT, well, when SHE is ONLY AN ANIMAL. Every “meat and dairy product” starts with rape (followed by kidnapping). Every glass of cows’ milk, slice of cheese, pat of butter, lick of ice cream, cup of yogurt – is the product of rape, and so literally so that the device upon which the dirty deed is done is called a “rape rack” by the dairy industry. I scream. You scream. we all scream.
Some observers may have found Pacelle’s masturbation proclivities perverted, but, then again, how is semen obtained for use in forced artificial insemination rape? Perhaps Pacelle’s good friends and partners in animal exploitation – maybe at one of the many HSUS state ag councils, can get him a job jerking off pigs or bulls or someone. Joe Maxwell, the guy Pacelle made a VP at HSUS, who killed over 50,000 animals annually (ironically getting cited for “humane” violations by the USDA) owes Wayne a big one, considering the higher profits he bragged he pocketed labeling the pig flesh he sold as “humane pork”.
Have you ever heard mother cows wailing for their crying terrified babies when their children are kidnapped just after birth, to become “guilt-free humane veal” or the “grass-fed beef” HSUS peddles? Don’t worry. She is not a mother. He is not a baby. They are ONLY animals. They are just things. Human Supremacy! Speciesism! Might makes right for a bloody appetite.
There is a famous Theodor Adorno quote: “Auschwitz begins whenever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks ‘they’re only animals'”. Isaac Bashevis Singer also has a famous quote: “Human beings see oppression vividly when they’re the victims. Otherwise they victimize blindly and without a thought.”
Why have HSUS supporters over the years been so willing to victimize animals, or be blind to obvious victimization? Why would anyone believe that HSUS is an “animal protection” organization in the first place? Paul Shapiro, the former HSUS VP of Farm Animal Protection, did not protect or save ONE animal from torture and murder in his major campaigns for “cage-free” eggs and “furnished” battery cages. Just because HSUS says it’s an animal protection” organization doesn’t make it so. You have allowed yourself to be duped, without examining the policies so detrimental to animals from this self-appointed “animal advocacy” group of super duper dupers. You have accepted butchers as the leaders of the “animal rights movement”.
Don’t feel alone.They have duped you and millions of others. They have duped me and they have duped my friends. It is their job to dupe.They pluck at your heartstrings while plucking chickens in the back room. They tell you that chickens can “engage in natural behaviors” in battery cages. They tell you that “cage-free” eggs, “guilt-free veal” and “crate-free pork” are the “prevention of cruelty to farm animals”, as every last one of those animals is tortured, imprisoned, and obliterated.
Deception at HSUS begins with its name. People think that they are donating to their local shelters when writing checks to the Humane Society of the US – which doesn’t run shelters; it just runs tear-jerking ads in the middle of the night to make you think it does, and to make you think that writing a check to it actually helps animals. It doesn’t. It hurts them.
HSUS policies of money over morality have proven quite lucrative for these corporatist opportunists, as it sits with $200,000,000 in the bank and over $130,000,000 in annual donations – none of it going toward the Vegan advocacy which the animals, environment, and people so desperately need. It’s never enough for these robber barons who could easily finance a Tofurky in every pot, or the birth prevention of countless dogs and cats, if it even wanted to do that. But HSUS doesn’t even oppose breeding. It says “buy from a responsible breeder.”
The animal-betrayal specialists at HSUS have even been able to hijack companies that Vegans would think would be allies to them and animals, but unfortunately have fallen under the spell of the abusers. There was tragic irony in Tofurky’s support, as HSUS was, at the same time, marketing “humane” turkey cadavers to the public for Thanksgiving dinner. Imagine if Tofurky put those hundreds of thousands of dollars into Vegan advocacy and education – anything from national campaigns to feed the homeless a Tofurky feast on Thanksgiving to Tofurky hot dog stands on every college campus – anything but getting in bed with HSUS. Instead, our customer dollars went into the deep pockets of a rancher-advocacy “charity”. Tofurky may as well have been the strange bedfellows of Butterball. And, so too we have the inexplicable corruption of Dr. Bronner’s soaps, which I also used to buy before it bought into “animal – welfare, HSUS style”, meaning – torture and murder of animals are good for them, if we say so. A “Vegan”-For-Animal-Killing, David Bronner, was quick to drop his company’s support for Impossible Burger upon learning that a strange new protein was created in its genetic engineering. But tell Bronner that the “animal charity” he supports condones rape, kidnapping, mutilation, confinement, and death for everyone for whom it supposedly advocates, and Bronner doesn’t want to hear it. He allows his soaps to “humane wash” the blood and guts. They are ONLY ANIMALS.
Apparently, HSUS can do no wrong when it comes to animals, even though it does everything wrong. When HSUS forked over $25,000,000 in donor money to Ringling Brothers in a racketeering settlement, or when HSUS was investigated for using only a small percentage of disaster-relief donations for actual disaster relief – no one bats an eyelash, much less jumps ship. The only jumping ship at HSUS is for a quick photo op, holding a puppy in a puddle in a rain storm.
HSUS just continues to call itself an “animal protection” organization – and its obedient cult followers collect signatures for hoaxes and scams that mislead the public about preventing cruelty. The cult of animal betrayal distributes coupons for discounts on “bacon”, and promotes an event called “Hoofin” It” – a restaurant promotion featuring a different hoofed animal on the menu every night. Eating animals is protecting animals at this bizarre Human Supremacist Speciecist “animal protection charity” which, of course, promotes “grass-fed beef”, “humane slaughter”, and “clean meat” derived from animals and fed by the blood of unborn cows.
The Humane Society of the United States has built a fortune on deceit and deception. The cruelty, torture, and mass murder that are “cage-free” eggs, “guilt-free veal”, and “crate-free pork” are now grotesquely being sold to the public as “the Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals Act” (even though it prevents NO cruelty). This is the sequel to California’s disastrous Proposition 2 that falsely – even in New York Times articles – proclaimed how great chickens have it in California (and, by inference – how great it is to eat them), despite nobody knowing what Prop 2 meant, and nobody taking any action other than egg company JS West interpreting it to mean “enriched” battery cages are okay. Why not? Those same battery cages were the endorsed form of torture for which HSUS campaigned when it led a coalition of supposed animal groups – Mercy For Animals, Farm Sanctuary, In Defense of Animals, and FARM included – to reverse long-standing opposition to those battery cages – and join in a partnership with United Egg Producers to give it the battery cages the egg industry wanted, complete with the smiley – face “animal rights seal of approval”. HSUS and its groupie groups, as usual, normalized violence and killing of animals to the point where animal annihilation is a “victory”, and their tormentors are celebrated as the good guys.
Why is there not a peep out of HSUS about every male chick being ground alive just after birth, every female mutilated, harshly confined, and murdered – in essence, torture and murder for all, with not one bird rescues from the pain and killing in both caged and “cage-free” egg production? A recent guest on my radio program, Wayne Hsiung of Direct Action Everywhere, said that in a meeting with Josh Balk, the HSUS corporate egg salesman who traded jobs with Paul Shapiro when the latter was demoted, Balk said that HSUS actually keeps its true motives “secret” and that it utilizes “strategic communication”. That’s such a nice term for “lying”.
Remember when HSUS was collecting donations to “ban barren battery cages”? You thought you were banning “battery cages”, right? No, you were just banning that they were “barren”, which was solved by throwing in a stick and calling it a perch, and some wood shavings and calling them a “bath” or “scratching area”. We were then – as we are now – subjected to more HSUS “strategic communication” – that hens in those battery cages, and hens in “cage – free” production can “engage in natural behaviors”, another great “victory” meaning they can choke in the stench of an ammonia cloud and they can rip each other to death in armies of psychological despair.
Isn’t a toxic atmosphere for females that leads to psychological despair and trauma for all females subjected to it unacceptable? That sounds like the HSUS work environment. Yet when HSUS (and Farm Sanctuary and others) opposed “enriched” battery cages, their websites said that the psychological and physiological welfare of the hens was unacceptable – until they reversed positions, joined the chicken slayers, and campaigned FOR what was unacceptable, with not a peep of protest from anyone in management, not a peep from the HSUS board, not a peep from Tofurky, not a peep from Dr. Bronner’s, or other corporate sponsors, or the “animal rights movement”. HSUS is always invited to vomit its propaganda at the annual “animal rights conference” where attendees should be protesting against it instead of listening politely, applauding, and sitting next to it at a banquet.
HSUS can do nothing to animals that disqualifies it from being an “animal charity”, not knowingly inflicting physiological and psychological suffering, not advocating death for all, not making Michael Vick its spokesperson, not nothing. The animals must have been praying to God for a miracle – the same God that HSUS Faith Outreach tells us put animals on earth for humans to eat. “Dear God, what’s it going to take for you to protect us from HSUS – a Wayne Pacelle salsa-dancing masturbation fetish. Let us pray.” There were also accusations of career advancement in exchange for sexual favors, paid to play.
Still, the board voted to keep Pacelle, continuing its policy of money over morality. When Pacelle decided to quit to devote more time to masturbation, HSUS central casting said “quick, where can we find a woman named Kitty who can act as CEO? That will shut everyone up, calm things down, and we can get back to counting our money.” Introducing – Kitty Block – meet the new boss (same as the old boss?)… Did Kitty support the legislation that HSUS proposed in California that kitties should be put to death immediately upon arrival at shelters in the state – with no waiting time? Did Kitty support kitties and puppies in California shelters being sold to vivisectors, as her long-time employer proposed? Kitty Block, the new acting CEO, has been with HSUS since 1992. Did she not know of HSUS’ toxic environment of sexual harassment during her 28-year tenure? (Apparently, over a year and a half ago, a high-ranking HSUS – affiliated animal “farmer” in the organization’s Nebraska Ag Council, Kevin Fulton, went public on Facebook detailing Shapiro’s sexual misconduct and Pacelle’s reluctance to act. He’s only an animal killer, so nobody paid attention. Could Kitty Block not have known? What did Josh Balk know of the pervasive misconduct, and when? Lewis Bollard worked at HSUS with Wayne Pacelle before he joined the horrendous “Open Philanthropy Project” to distribute millions of dollars to HSUS (and Mercy For Animals, the Humane League, Animal Equality, Compassion in World Farming, and others) for the purpose of selling the public “cage-free” eggs. Did Lewis Bollard notice the misconduct?
Pacelle, when resigning said that Kitty Block is a “fitting” replacement and a “fabulous” advocate for animal rights. This should serve as an alarming and chilling warning to every real animal advocate. In fact, prior to her new position, Ms. Block served as President of Humane Society International, another HSUS department willing to put animals on the chopping block. HSI is a partner in an international “livestock” federation whose mission is to meet a 70% increase in demand for “livestock products” by 2050, which cannot be done without “strategic communication” to the public that tortured animals have happy care-free lives and enjoy their “humane slaughter”.
I don’t know if Ms. Block is “vegan” as Pacelle and Shapiro claimed to be, or as Gene Baur of Farm Sanctuary, John Mackey of Whole Foods, and Alex Hershaft of the “Animal Rights Conference” say they are, but we sure do need fewer “vegans” who are “meat”, dairy, egg and fish industry innovators, and more “vegans” for “veganism”. Without this, the “movement” is abusive by definition, and so when abuse occurs of human or other animals, it should come as no surprise. .
Hypocrisy is no foundation for a moral movement, however effective, or lucrative, “strategic communication” may be. In an introductory video, Ms. Block promised “transparency”. Will we finally hear the truth about the horrors of “cage-free” eggs, the reality of “grass-fed beef”, the torture and death in “clean meat”, the cruelty of the Prevention of Cruelty to Farm Animals Act? I am not optimistic for animals when the leader of the “leading animal protection organization” intends to lead us to higher sales in “livestock products” and greater profits for industry, as her predecessor boasted results from HSUS animal “welfare” policies. Ms. Block lists among her greatest accomplishments “dolphin-safe tuna products”. Who cares about the tuna? I do. I think it will be business as usual – abusive Human Supremacist Speciesism – in the HSUS workplace.
The animals only get the respect they deserve through Vegan education and advocacy, calling on people to stop eating, wearing, and using them. This is a wake up call. It’s time to reject corporations that masquerade as a caring “animal rights movement” and “animal charities”, with their policies of betrayal that make us tools of exploitation and abuse. There is currently no discernible difference between the “animal rights movement” and professional butchers. This has to change.
The world would be so much of a better place if there were no Humane Society of the United States. Let’s all just stop supporting it in any way, no money, no time, no energy, no signature gathering. Treat it like it doesn’t exist – or protest against it. Animals can’t be protected by a lie.
– Bob Linden
“Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden”
Facebook: Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden
Twitter: @GoVeganRadio

4 Responses

  1. sam olsen
    sam olsen February 19, 2018 at 5:04 pm | | Reply

    Even with Pacelle (officially) gone, his enablers remain in firm control and a culture of secrecy and corruption still looms at the top of HSUS. Also, keep in mind that when Pacelle supposedly “left” the Fund for Animals, he still remained in control via his handpicked executive staff and board members. That dynamic still exists at HSUS with Mike Markarian, Holly Hazard, Heidi Prescott, Josh Balk and all the board members who voted to shut down the sexual harassment investigation and to keep Pacelle in place.

    Wayne Pacelle’s misconduct at HSUS goes far beyond sexual harassment allegations. He has, as a matter of routine, lied about his accomplishments and used charitable resources to publicize false claims that elevated his stature and fostered the kind of hero worship that has been so pervasive. This put the women he interacted with at a tremendous disadvantage when considering whether or not to report inappropriate behavior. His fabricated victories enabled his predatory ways by attracting followers and by insulating him from accountability and exposure.

    Pacelle generated tremendous publicity for himself when he announced a legislative deal with United Egg Producers, which he claimed would “outlaw battery cages nationwide.” In reality, that deal would have kept laying hens confined inside egg factory cages in perpetuity.

    Facing litigation that included charges of bribery, money laundering, and obstruction of justice (a check signed by Pacelle was apparently used to pay a witness who had repeatedly lied under oath), HSUS settled a massive RICO lawsuit by paying the owners of Ringling Brothers Circus millions of dollars of charitable donations that should have been used to protect animals. That’s in addition to all the money in legal fees that were paid out. This use of charitable dollars – to cover the improper conduct of Pacelle and other executive staff – was not unlike the misuse of funds used to essentially buy the silence of women allegedly sexually harassed at HSUS.

    Details here: https://www.hfa.org/pdf/Corruption-RICO_Lawsuit-HSUS.pdf

    In the biggest blunder in animal rights history, Pacelle squandered over $10 million dollars on Proposition 2, the botched 2008 initiative that resulted in millions of laying hens being subjected to more than nine years (and counting) of preventable cage confinement. Nevertheless, Pacelle’s continuously repeated claim that he had “outlawed” battery cages in California has been his biggest claim to fame. Pacelle and the egg industry have now introduced yet another ballot initiative in California. This new initiative would declare battery cages legal in California for additional years and would forever allow the egg industry to provide hens with as little as one square foot of floor space per bird.

    Details here: https://www.hfa.org/legalizing-california-battery-cages.html

    None of the above would have been possible without the complicity of the HSUS executive staff and members of the board of directors. Just as Pacelle provided cover for Paul Shapiro, HSUS’s senior staff and board members have covered for Pacelle’s behavior. There needs to be a clean sweep.

  2. Stevan
    Stevan February 22, 2018 at 4:52 am | | Reply

    There is a problem in animal rights movement: no unity in action, there is no global action. And the money from donations, where it is going? To major AR organizations, not for the projects.

  3. Eric Weisman
    Eric Weisman February 23, 2018 at 12:11 am | | Reply

    Thank you for your heroic commentary Bob. It is no coincidence that I could never get an answer from Paul Shapiro as to where all the “rescued” Animals from Florida to Puerto Rico were going to be “sheltered”. I am sure that they were going to be happily euthanized when they were being thrown into the Rendering Plant Grinders for Pet Food and Animal Feed. Like PETA, most if not all Animals that are “rescued” by these organizations “happily” get placed in the grinders of a Rendering Plant where they they “gratefully” become food for other Animals. We live in a very sick World and people that believe in these organizations like being duped into believing that the holocaust that is taking place is not really happening at all because fake organizations like HSUS are “taking care” of the Animals. WTF? Really? The HSUS Story is a continuum of the insanity that pervades the very sick uneducated perspective of the US Public. If it weren’t for the Animal Liberation-Vegan Movement and People like ourselves this tragedy would continue without any end in sight. The saddest part is that so many Non Humans are still tragically dying in the most heinous of circumstances and the Public for the most part refuses to open their eyes.
    To give you an idea of what our Animal Liberation – Vegans are dealing with, last week in St. Paul, MN, our Co. Evolution Pet Food sponsored the showing of “What The Health” at the beautiful 505 Wabasha St. I-Max Theater in the Scientology Building on Feb. 14th and then “Pet Fooled” on Feb. 18th. I worked for an entire month putting up posters, giving out flyers, e-mails to local AR “Vegan” Groups and very few People showed up for this these amazing FREE events. Is it any wonder that People like ourselves feel like pulling our hair out? I think I’ll have to go out and buy a Donald Trump Hair Piece at Hair-R-Us for $2.99 or something like that.

  4. Kev Suscavage
    Kev Suscavage April 15, 2018 at 12:31 pm | | Reply

    So confused!!
    Radio Announcer, plz reply.

    With new ballot initiative by HSUS for 2018, it is trying to CONTINUE the Prop 2. Yes, it continues cages, I think, but allows for bigger cages I think. So, is that better than nothing? Are should we fight this initiate hard…but then do what, if it’s defeated?

    Also, I know the Prop 2 (passed in 2008) has really not worked much at all for the animals (very very sad) cuz they ignored the cage deadline of 2015. Now, sense this true (ie: the egg industry got their way)…then why, if not mistaken, were the egg and meat factory farms SO MUCH OPPOSING Prop 2…if it actually helped the egg and meat industry anyway?? Thanks!
    plz write to kevsage@hotmail.com with subject: REPLY ON HSUS

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