Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea


How is it that humans who see themselves as oppressed still eat “meat”, dairy, fish, and eggs, and are blind to the oppression they themselves cause?

One Response

  1. gabriel lambrianidis
    gabriel lambrianidis July 18, 2013 at 6:07 pm | | Reply

    does god have an unimportant worthless brother creating unimportant worthless beings to be murdered by the worthy human animal created by a worthy god?we default to the answer yes from this wrong and faulty act of oppressing the non human must be something to do with language.if a non human animal started speaking in english i doubt anyone would want to kill him or her for their meat.they would tell us of a beutiful reality of heaven and times human animals come to earth and speaking our language try to remind us of our lost innocent language of mmmmaaaaa,mmmmoooo,bheeee,which enables us to see other species in a sane way like the brothers and sisters they truly are.our language is filled with derogatory meanings against our animal kin.but people forget that language is man made symbolism.we can create.but we have created this language far from the well and now we have a dislocated and broken concience and conciousness that does not work.innocence and guilt should be able to synthesize.but with our language they are kept too far apart and we are kept on the guilty side.

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