Stanford Inn By the Sea

TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED – Mother Earth Aid Live – Concert Series Online

Unfortunately, we’ve had to temporarily suspend the concert series.

Concert Series Online
Starting Earth Day, Wednesday April 22, and continuing through May 31, an extraordinary musical performance every evening at 6, pacific time!

40 shows featuring all kinds of great music from incomparable international world-class artists!

Our schedule is expected to include…

Empress Akua, Theresa King, Mystic Duo featuring Novak & Lamour, Panhead Joseph Peck, Prime Livity, Spliff Vision, Jamaica Bob, King Wawa, & many more!
We can’t wait to be with you after all this time of self-quarantined socially-distanced isolation, as we join together in a celebration of music and love for each other, love for all species, and love for our Mother Earth, who desperately needs us to come to her aid now to cure Climate Change, Deforestation, Pollution, Water Scarcity, Resource Depletion, Desertification, Acidification, Eutrophication, Habitat Destruction, and Mass Extinction – and that cure is in our MEAL, when each meal is Vegan

Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset