Stanford Inn By the Sea

Mercy For Animals’ Killers?

Mercy for Animals has painted a picture of progress for pigs at the bloody hands of their raping, mutilating, mass executioner, Tyson, that is as much a fantasy as the idyllic mural of their “happy” existence painted on that fence at Farmer John.
There is a pattern most detrimental to animals that needs to be broken. “Animal Rights Group X” releases undercover video of routine every day business as usual operations at any animal ag facility…public is outraged…animal killing company expresses shock at the behavior of some of its shock-prodding knife- wielding professional animal rapists and murderers, reprimands them or fires them, promises better training, and higher welfare standards and certifications – because they love the animals too…
Instead of asking the public to GO VEGAN to stop suffering and murder caused by animal ag, “animal rights activists” ask the animal killers to show how much they love the animals – what will they do for them now and in the future?
Let’s see – how can we get those “animal rights activists” to SHUT UP for awhile, maybe 10 years or so?
In January of 2007, Smithfield, America’s #1 pig killer, was exposed in undercover video, fired the employees not complying with animal welfare policy, and then gave us the victory we wanted – hallelujah – gestation crates would be phased out over a 10 year period – except, they wouldn’t. In June of 2009, Smithfield announced it could not afford implementation of its highly publicized animal welfare improvements. “But you promised, Mr. Animal Killer, you promised…wah!” Don’t you love how trusting “animal rights activists” are? They even trust promises of kindness from bloody mass murderers. In 2010, “Animal Rights Group Y” releases undercover video – Smithfield spokesperson Dennis Treacy responds by saying:”We provide regular training to our employees on our animal welfare policies and procedures, and we have zero tolerance for any behavior that does not conform to our established animal well-being procedures.”  Well, that’s reassuring.
Now, Mercy For Animals trumpets a “new era” for the killing company, progress for pigs, complete with a photo of a happy-looking individual pig to prove it, even though nothing has been done, or is likely to be done, which may be a good thing considering what is being discussed.
But wasn’t it supposed to be a “new era” for Tyson after an undercover investigation in Alabama in 2004, and then again after undercover investigations in Georgia and Tennessee in 2007?  In January of 2008, a press release from the TYSON OFFICE OF ANIMAL WELL-BEING stated: “We train our workers on proper animal handling practices. In fact, workers who do not follow company policy in this area are subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment. If the investigations into this matter determine some of our team members have acted inappropriately, they will be disciplined or discharged.” One wonders whose team member MFA is. Mercy For Animals would have us believe that its undercover investigation has led to meaningful changes – “progress for pigs”.
So, what are the specific actions we can trust to be taken by our trusted pig stabbers? Tyson says it is URGING (NOT REQUIRING) “pork producers” to install video cameras to monitor operations.
Tyson is ENCOURAGING (NOT REQUIRING) “pork producers” to expand methods of killing baby pigs to include alternative methods to slamming their heads against the ground, consistent with American Veterinary Medical Association guidelines, thus “animal rights activists” are advocating for slower, more painful, suffocating death than the method the AVMA says is the fastest – because the other methods are more aesthetically-pleasing murders to us.There are Drug Enforcement Agency, facility, and procedural complications that will make other methods impractical, and head bashing isn’t prohibited anyway, so we’re feeling good about nothing again. But isn’t Tyson saying it will REQUIRE alternatives to manual blunt force baby killing for any pigs that it “owns” who are under the control of its contract farms? The loophole here is that, technically, Tyson sells animals to contract farms to “raise”, and then buys them back. The contract farms actually “own” the animals – not Tyson – so the number of animals who could be affected by this REQUIREMENT is ZERO.
Read the fine print. The same people who didn’t read the fine print on Prop 2 and the United Egg Producers’ egg bill are not reading the fine print again. Now they are not even reading the big print. How can Mercy For Animals or any “animal advocate” applaud the new animal research that Tyson promises to fund related to chopping off pigs’ tails. Progress for pigs is new work and more paychecks for vivisectors? How many thousands of pigs or rats or mice or other species will suffer and die in labs for this new era of progress? Maybe Tyson can get a volume discount at Huntingdon Life Sciences…
Tyson is also URGING (NOT REQUIRING) “pork producers” to improve housing – you know, maybe phase out gestation crates in 10 years – or there’s always group housing where the pigs trample each other to death.
Tyson  concludes its plan for progress with a big fat disclaimer on all of this, saying that these are controversial subjects and that it will consult industry including the National Pork Producers Council for input on final policy creation, so – why are we wasting time  with MFA promoting Tyson instead of doing our job promoting veganism? There are no baby steps. There is nothing you can make happen now – except convince someone to GO VEGAN.
For all the “animal activists” who support negotiating and partnering with terrorists, such as with United Egg Producers – as Mercy For Animals did – you owe the chickens an explanation. Did you oppose “enriched” cages when the Humane Society of the United States, Farm Sanctuary, and Mercy For Animals opposed them as unacceptably cruel for the physical and psychological health of the hens? When those groups joined United Egg Producers’ campaign FOR “enriched” cages, what made those horrific conditions acceptable to you? How can people’s thinking be so shallow and influenced by such propaganda?
Please do not consider me in a movement where animal “advocates” cannot be distinguished from animal killers, and whose greatest campaigns amount to nothing but animal betrayal.
Mercy For Animals or Mercy For Animals’ Killers? I invite Nathan Runke and Matt Rice of MFA to answer that on my radio program GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN.

One Response

  1. Colleen
    Colleen January 28, 2015 at 2:36 pm | | Reply

    I keep trying to listen to your program, but find myself unable to because of the vituperation that you direct, weekly, against others in the animal rights community. I know what I’m saying is nothing new and will be likely dismissed. I am 56, vegan for 2 years, spurred on by the undercover videos by the likes of mfa. It was also an awakening to compassion by those who tread this path. These groups are getting the message out-obviously the result we all want and proclaim will not happen through diatribe. Is it not possible to see and acknowledge the good these people do? We need all the voices we can get, to spread the word–not commandments from on high from a select few. Preaching to the choir may rally the concerted but will not move the masses. I’m just sad, I guess, that those who do the most harm, through ignorance and blind appetite for profit are not first and foremost the objects of your message. Can we not stand together as a movement and at least have a constructive dialogue? I appreciate your voice and commitment, but I see value in those others who are joined in this struggle. Thank you, Colleen Higgins

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