Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

Loving Homes Needed for Virginia Handley Dogs

So many of us are deeply saddened by the death of Virginia Handley this week. But she wouldn’t want us to be upset. She would want us to make sure that  the three dogs for whom she served as guardian will now go to loving forever homes. All three had been abandoned or abused in the past, and it would be great to unite them with special understanding dog lovers.

Virginia helped so many non-human and human animals for very many years, from the Fund for Animals to Animal Switchboard to PawPac. She did a lot for me too, personally, and I am honored to have been her friend. It was always fun and informative to have her on my radio program. Thanks for standing up and speaking out for animals, Virginia, on my show as well as amidst the animal abusers. A kind person like Virginia, just wanting to help others, is a heroic role model. Virginia felt that she lived a happy life because of helping animals.Thanks for everything, Virginia!
I’m posting pictures of the dogs. If you’re interested in adopting Peppy, Roger, or Lolita, email Bob@GoVeganRadio.com and I will pass the info to Virginia’s neighbor in the East Bay currently temporarily caring for them

8 Responses

  1. Karin
    Karin March 26, 2014 at 3:26 pm | | Reply

    Hi Bob!
    I heard you on KPFA this morning.
    Great show.
    Where did you post the pics of Virginia’s dogs?
    I want to promote on my animal network.
    For the Animals

  2. Dian Hardy
    Dian Hardy March 26, 2014 at 8:29 pm | | Reply

    Dear Bob, I would like to help to find homes for Virginia’s pups. You were going to post photos?

  3. Dian Hardy
    Dian Hardy March 27, 2014 at 9:03 pm | | Reply

    They are with Virginia’s neighbor, Holly, who can be reached at 510-322-1110 or hraboli@hotmail.com. Holly says: I’m looking forward to talking to interested people, and happy to host them here for a “get acquainted” visit..

  4. Lynn Sunday
    Lynn Sunday March 28, 2014 at 10:09 am | | Reply


    I;m an old friend of Virgina’s since we bonded at the March for the animals in 1996. Didn’t see a lot of eachother, but always kept in touch. Been about a year since we last shared a meal. I’m shocked. She’s younger than I. What happened? An accident? An illnes? I’m so sorry she’s gone. Sorry to I can’t take the dogs since I have two seniors now and 1 is special needs.

    Please tell me what happened.

    For the Animals,

    Lynn Sunday

  5. Katrina Gomez
    Katrina Gomez April 28, 2014 at 1:03 pm | | Reply

    Please, if you can, please donate to raise funds to vet Virginia’s dogs.

    Thank you.

  6. Barbara
    Barbara August 23, 2015 at 9:51 pm | | Reply

    I met Virginia in 1987 when I first became involved with animal rights. A group I was involved with, Animal Rights Connection, frequently held meetings in “The Fund’s” office. Every square inch of that office was about animals. I always had a good feeling when we went there, especially when Virginia was there. She worked tirelessly for the animals and is one of my heroes. I loved the Christmas parties she would organize annually for animal rights people and her Mom’s dancing performance. I always brought my Mom to these parties as she loved animals as much as any other animal rights activist. We always had a good time. I still maintain that animal rights people are some of the finest people that walk the face of the earth and will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you Virginia for all you did to help the animals.

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