Stanford Inn By the Sea

link to november 24 program

ATT: Members of the Death-Eating Cult of Murdered-Bird Celebratory Feasts – there’s still time to come to your senses before Thursday – link to listen to the latest GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN and hear a turkey “farmer” as he “humanely” slaughters an innocent victim – then plan your VEGAN THANKSGIVING, with guests JOSH LaBURE of Nooch Vegan Market in Denver + JOHN WILLIAMS of Vegetarian Plus who retails a vegan “whole turkey” + VERONIQUE RASKIN on how to avoid non-vegan non-organic wine by visiting + Animal Rights Commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE
— ALSO — Listen to VEGAN ANIMAL LIBERATION COMMENTARY WITH BOB LINDEN in the 8AM hour Wednesdays on Pacifica radio in the San Francisco Bay Area – KPFA 94.1 FM

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