Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea


I feel compelled to organize another major event.

I can’t fight it, so I just purchased the domain There’s nothing there yet. I just learned of the availability of Los Angeles State Historic Park (capacity 20,000), and I’m looking at a date in either September or November.

I guarantee that this would be one of the most entertaining, educational, and spectacular gatherings ever. There are some exceptional and well-known reggae artists excited about it and interested in performing. We would also have amazing speakers. Thus far, just in some initial conversations , it looks like Professor Gary Francione will be there, as well as Dr. Anteneh Roba, from Ethiopia, the president of the International Fund for Africa.

We are just getting started, but, holy cow, will we need financial support and the time and energy of many dedicated volunteers!

Go Vegan Radio is a teeny tiny grassroots 501(c)3 non-profit whose mission is Vegan education and advocacy. Our weekly talk show was the first mainstream media Vegan program ever, started in 2001 on KRLA in Los Angeles, also heard on K-TALK in LA when we were on the Air America radio network. We have been involved with organizing Vegan events since 1999, including WorldFest-LA, PlanetFest Orange County, CommunityFest Woodland Hills, and the World Vegan Summit & Expo in LA and Berkeley.

And now the time has come for another historic event – the first ever “LAreggaeVEGANfest”…

We need to raise a lot of money to make this happen, including an initial deposit of $7500. Of course that is couch-cushion change to all the big pseudo “animal charities” who gather to celebrate each time another grocery chain promises to sell “cage-free” eggs. They would never organize an “LAreggaeVEGANfest”, which would be a celebration of life – all life – and peace, harmony, non-violence, caring, sharing, and the Vegan way of life for the animals, human health, and the environment.

I’m just putting this out there to see who is interested in helping to make this happen. It will definitely take a community effort. We need sponsors, vendors, donors. If you’re interested, please email

One Response

  1. George Michailow
    George Michailow February 23, 2018 at 1:08 am | | Reply

    Hope this gets off the ground Bob.. Hold the Vision
    will you be charging admission?

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