Stanford Inn By the Sea

KPFA Pledge Drive Oct 2

IMPORTANT – Tomorrow Morning at 8 – show support for vegan / animal liberation programming on Pacifica’s KPFA, 94.1FM San Francisco Bay Area – featuring documentaries BEHIND THE MASK (about the ALF) and SKIN TRADE (anti-fur), both from Shannon Keith, and “V IS FOR VEGAN”, the children’s book from Ruby Roth – all being given away as premium gifts for donations to KPFA in addition to last week’s gifts also being offered tomorrow – “Peaceable Kingdom – the Journey Home”DVD, “Speciesism: the Movie” DVD, and the “World Peace Diet” audio book.

Please encourage others to listen and donate at 800-439-5732
If audience response is good, we can feature additional animal advocacy in the following Wednesday’s pledge drive program – and maybe more as regular programming in addition to my Wednesday morning commentaries on the “Morning Mix” (which resumes after the pledge drive).
Thanks to host Anthony Fest for doing a great job with presentation and production of the premium subject matter provided to him and KPFA by GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN!

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