This is the proof that the “Humane Society”, while preaching the talk of eating less “meat” and fewer animals, is actually an active participant in an international “livestock sector” cartel to profit from an anticipated 70% increase in demand for “animal agriculture products” by 2050 when the world human population swells to 9 billion.
Partners with the “Humane Society” in this conspiracy against animals, the environment, and sick and hungry humans include the International Dairy Federation, the International Egg Commission, International Meat Secretarial, Livestock Farming and Local Development, International Feed Industry Federation, International Livestock Research Institute, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, and others – including the UN and government agencies and universities around the world from China to Brazil to New Zealand to Germany to everywhere. These international corporate flesh-peddling profiteers need the “Humane Society” to market violence and massacre as “humane” and environmental devastation as “sustainable”, all the while igniting accelerated climate change, and causing deforestation, soil erosion, water shortage, resource depletion, habitat destruction.
It is unconscionable for any vegan individual or organization to engage in any support of the Humane Society of the United States (H$U$) and Humane Society International and do anything but rise in opposition to these enemies of animals, the environment, and life itself. Stop booking its three stooges – Pacelle, Shapiro, Greger – for vegan events that allow these corporate shills to brainwash animal lovers and advocates into undeserved good will for bloody butchers. Wake up! Open your eyes! Get real! The very dangerous “Humane Society” IS the “meat” industry, and the global “meat” industry at that.