Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea


If your Rosh Hashanah celebration isn’t VEGAN, is it really Jewish? If Jews would only read their own bible, right IN THE BEGINNING, in Genesis Book 1 Verse 29, God tells them to be VEGAN and eat only what grows from the earth. The Jews were also told not to kill. What devil-worshiping evil infiltrated Judaism and led Jews to eat forbidden “meat”, dairy, fish, and eggs – and to engage in the sinful kapparot torture that probably condemns them to eternal hell where Jewish guilt is feeling the suffering that one caused and knowing how wrong it was. Whatever the priests of death may say, there is no kosher “meat” or murder.

One Response

  1. gabriel lambrianidis
    gabriel lambrianidis September 5, 2013 at 2:07 pm | | Reply

    these people end up loving the devil and become like him.the hard thing to do is love the enemy but not become like the enemy.maybe christ’s new message was that?discharging their years of abuse by their slave masters on defensless beings was the downhill steps of their road to freedom.they should have come out of it and become vegan again.but like the wellfarists they turned murder into kosher.

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