Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea

Is Your US Representative One of the Traitors?

I really can’t remember stranger times. Animals need to be protected from self-proclaimed animal protectors, and our constitutional rights, our rights of free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of association, and privacy have to be protected from a bizarre tyrannical  regime of liberal democrat dictatorship that makes one long for the good old days of George W. Bush. Obama “out-Bushes” Bush. Whom will history judge to be worse?  It is odd that I would find myself in alignment with a number of republicans on this issue and in opposition to democrats who surprisingly have defined themselves as traitors in a vote in the US House of Representatives on an amendment that would have curtailed NSA domestic spying, introduced by House member Amash, a Michigan republican. The vote lost 217 – 205. 94 republicans voted to curtail the NSA and 134 voted against our constitutional rights, while 111 democrats voted to limit the NSA and 83 democrats betrayed their constituencies and oath to the constitution and voted themselves into a traitorous place in history. The following link shows how they voted, with shocking support for the wrong side from those we can no longer trust – with names like Pelosi, Jackson-Lee, Kaptur, Wasserman-Shultz, Kennedy, and so many other disgraceful democrats for dictatorship.

Free Bradley Manning! Support Edward Snowden! Jail the 134 republican and 83 democrat traitors. Reinstate the Constitution!

Is your US Representative one of the traitors?

Directory of US House Representatives:

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