Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

I was just accused of being “sexist” for criticizing Hillary Clinton’s pro-war policies

I was just accused of being “sexist” for criticizing Hillary Clinton’s pro-war policies. My response…

Please look at how the very-corrupt Hillary Clinton has corrupted your thinking. You are calling me, an anti-war peace activist -“sexist”, with no basis for that other than my protesting her warmongering. You then note that historically, warmongering has been a male bastion. I have been an anti-war advocate since high school, and have protested against everyone from LBJ and Nixon, to Bush and Obama. I will protest against the bellicose, whether they are men or women. Why are you even injecting gender and sexism at all into your defense of Hillary for this?
It is distressing that Hillary supporters have demonstrated an attitude about war that is far too casual. You say “sure, she made a mistake, okay…” No – not okay! I can’t imagine anything more “sexist” than killing hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children in war, “mistake” or otherwise.

But now, war has become a “progressive” value, and peace has become “sexist”. So, onward Hillary’s soldiers, onward Hillary’s missiles, onward Hillary’s drones…

(Peace Now! GO VEGAN! Peace How? GO VEGAN!)

2 Responses

  1. Charles
    Charles June 23, 2016 at 6:21 pm | | Reply

    Well Put Bob, Well Put.

  2. John
    John June 30, 2016 at 11:15 pm | | Reply

    Lots of phoney progressives out there. Like, 98%. If you ain’t vegan, you ain’t progressive.

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