Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

H$U$ Endorses Vivisection

H$U$ ENDORSES VIVISECTION! You are NOT an ANIMAL ADVOCATE if you support or associate with H$U$. ANIMAL ADVOCATES do NOT promote vivisection, cruel experiments, and the torture and murder of millions of innocent mice, as H$U$ does (as well as the H$U$-patented horse infertility drug, PZP, made from pigs’ eggs). SHAME on anyone or any group associated with the evil vivisecting butchers of the Humane $ociety of the United $tate$. SHAME ON ANIMAL ADVOCATES FOR ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION! Are you with the animals or are you with their enemies? Vivisectors are their enemies. From the BBC:  “There are plenty of other ways to make sure drugs and treatments are safely tested without using chimpanzees in experiments,” Ms Conlee says. [Kathleen Conlee, Vice President, Animal Research Issues, The Humane Society of the United States]. “For example, in vitro experiments that use human tissue are one possibility, or the use of transgenic mice could be another option.”  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23322774

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