Congratulations to ME – the first to be blocked from the new Humane $ociety of the United $tate$ “Farmer” Outreach support page, specially designed for sadistic murderers whose brutality is marketed as kindness and caring by the deceptive deviants of the H$U$. It is an honor to be so recognized by the H$U$ Meat Company as a threat to its profitability and deception through the use of truth, something so foreign to H$U$ that it reels in its presence. There is no more charade. H$U$ has revealed its true self. H$U$’ own actions now allow you to clearly discern between animal killers and animal advocates. H$U$ has robbed the animal rights movement blind. Vegans should demand refunds for all past donations. If you continue to support H$U$, the blood is on your hands.
Previous Entry: H$U$ Event
Next Entry: 11 August 2013