Stanford Inn By the Sea

How can you still stand side by side with H$U$?

How can you still stand side by side with H$U$? The Burger King and H$U$ logos appear side by side on the website of the Humane $ociety of the United $tate$ which, astonishingly, has given BK its most “prestigious” award – for promises of future “animal welfare”. This is nothing more than butchers giving other butchers an award. Whoever stands side by side with the outrageous H$U$ must now recognize that he or she is a traitor to animals by continuing to do so, and is participating in one of the animals’ greatest betrayals ever. Burger King now joins H$U$’ animal – exploitation partners United Egg Producers, Michael Vick, Procter & Gamble, Iams, Wolfgang Puck, and the Nebraska Farmers Union in the diabolical conspiracy to make animal torture and massacre acceptable to animal advocates through greedy campaigns of deception and depravity. H$U$ represents animal killers’ rights, not animal rights. H$U$ and any of its representatives must be chased and banished from any animal advocacy or vegan forum so that they may not poison the thinking of those who may actually want to help animals but instead are recruited to be cheerleaders for Burger King. The H$U$ “vegan” campaign seems to be “eat a Whopper”. Vegans need to actively campaign against H$U$. Please contact the organizers of WorldFest in Los Angeles (the vegan animal liberation event that I started in 2000) and ask them to cancel the sponsorship by the butchers of H$U$. Please also contact FARM and demand that it not repeat last year’s tragic mistake of allowing participation and glorification of the H$U$ demons of death at the so-called “animal rights conference” that it organizes. Hopefully this year FARM will have learned to differentiate animal advocates from animal killers. Have you?

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