Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

GO VEGAN with Bob Linden

The Greatest, Most Honorable, and Most Meaningful Action You Can Take Right Now to Save Mother Earth, the Animals, and People – GO VEGAN Today! Be Your Most Awesome Self – a Real Life Super Hero!

20 Years as the Voice for the Voiceless…

GO VEGAN with Bob Linden

Welcome to the Home of the First Vegan Talk Show Ever – Radioactive Radioactivism Since Our Debut in LA on KRLA in 2001 and on to CBS and Clear Channel radio stations, the Air America Radio Network, GCN, CRN, K-TALK LA, WWRL New York, The Quake & Green 960 SF, and commentary on Pacifica’s KPFA!

Bob – vegan since 1984 – is a broadcast veteran, having served as Program Director at music radio stations Jazzy 100 DC, CD-101 New York, Love 94 Miami, The Sound – Seattle, KIFM San Diego, KKLZ Las Vegas, 94Q Atlanta, Star 106 San Antonio, Z-92 Omaha – the way people got music and news before internet, before digital, before iTunes, Spotify, YouTube

Our Work & Accomplishments…

We started the first Vegan talk show EVER in mainstream media and network radio (2001) – over 600 free archives available on this site

We organized the first Vegan festivals in Southern California EVER – WorldFesr-LA, San Diego FallFest, PlanetFest in Orange Ciunty, and CommunityFest in the San Fernando Valley (broadcast live internationally and recognized in the US Congress by Representative Dennis Kucinich)

Recently, we organized THREE Reggae Vegan Fests (LA and San Diego) introducing music and entertainment based Vegan advocacy and entertainment, expanding Vegan awareness among hundreds of thousands of people in a broad range of diverse communities

We organized the World Vegan Summit & Expo in LA and Northern California, including the first “Vegan – Because We Care” march through the streets of Berkeley…

We provided commentary to the morning program on Pacifica’s KPFA in Berkeley, and inspired the creation of the long-running Go Vegan Texas (now Vegan World Radio) on Pacifica’s KPFT in Houston

The VEGAN CAUSE is the animals’ cause, the planet’s cause, the children’s cause – YOUR CAUSE – and OUR CAUSE!

Bob is grateful to be the recipient of the Shining World Hero Award from the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Society – which he notes is shared with all Vegans in the world, all shining heroes who are doing what’s best for the animals, people, and the planet – living the action needed to save billions of innocent lives, the only action that can reverse climate change and solve resource depletion, deforestation, water scarcity, pollution, desertification, acidification, eutrophication, habitat destruction, and mass extinction!

“As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.”
– Tolstoy, author of “War and Peace”
– Peace Now, Go Vegan!

Thank You to All Who Donate & Support!

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