Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea

One Response

  1. Geoff Stamp
    Geoff Stamp March 23, 2021 at 5:15 am | | Reply

    Congratulations on 20 years;
    Yep, my journey started 45 years ago, when people had not heard of the concept of vegan;
    Animal rights movements can be strangely anti-vegan; Animal sanctuaries, animal lovers and charities will forbid the use of the word vegan in their media for fear of upsetting their donors;
    Saving cats while eating pigs makes NO sense; Greenpeace boats sail out full of dead animals.
    Lots of scams appearing; Meat industry is fighting back and they have the big bucks; Be the change; Add your voice everyone;
    I found you via : feeding free vegan meals to kids in need around the world.
    We are creating a vegan business camp, with mobile PODCAST studio;
    Part of our vegan world tour. Slow travel.
    Find us as veganonthemap

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