Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset

Stanford Inn By the Sea

Free Fertis!

Free Fertis! Shame on Kansas State University – Is this how veterinarians exhibit CARE for animals? Here kids, learn sick nazi-like speciesism – drill a hole in the innocent (because we can), immobilize the powerless, laugh at the unfortunate – LEARN, CHILDREN, LEARN!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ban6fHArBU

One Response

  1. gabriel lambrianidis
    gabriel lambrianidis October 31, 2013 at 4:37 pm | | Reply

    the non human animals live in a nazi social world for ten thousand years now.all these animal abusers fail to realise the power of forgiveness they have.we have taken everything away from them except for their power to forgive.knoledje empty of wisdom makes us arrogant like that.if these people realized their actual relationship to other species they would be ashamed for their acts towards them.this world is managed by immature idiots.dead-freindly world society we are slowly becoming until we give the life and freedom back to the animal beings.

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