“Burger King Animal Rights Conference”? – Last year I traveled 3000 miles to attend the so-called “Animal Rights Conference” – to protest against it and what the “animal rights movement” has become – a partnership with “meat”-industry butchers. Why conference organizers FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement) remains deaf, dumb, and blind to this crisis and has invited back speakers from the “meat”-industry front group and PR firm, the Humane $ociety of the United $tate$, is mind-blowing baffling, and extremely harmful to veganism, animal liberation, and animal rights. FARM still cannot distinguish animal killers from animal advocates even when a group like H$U$ recently honored Burger King with its highest award, had its associated personnel join a Tyson “foods” animal well-being scam, and gleefully hosted a “best butchers” festival. The message wasn’t clear enough to FARM that H$U$ has a pig breeder / killer “pork”-producing vice president whose murderous profits are enhanced by his relationship with H$U$, as he “humanely” stabs 50,000 innocent creatures to death every year and H$U$ tells you that his are the acceptable murder victims to eat. If FARM is having anti-vegan H$U$ speak at its blood-stained conference, why not invite its VP of Serial Killing, Joe Maxwell, to talk about his “products” humanely bleeding to death, or H$U$ puppy-killer spokesperson Michael Vick, or H$U$ celebrity chef and “veal” vendor to the stars Wolfgang Puck, or the president of the Nebraska Farmers Union who partners with H$U$ to sell flesh, or the chicken-massacring United Egg Producers CEO, who partners with H$U$ in a conspiracy to compromise (what were) leading animal advocacy organizations into participation in the most massive betrayal of animals ever. Instead, FARM gives us H$U$-lite, Paul Shapiro and Michael Greger, the likable members of the Nazi party propaganda team who can still pick the pockets of vegans and make sure that that money never goes toward promoting veganism. Hey, who doesn’t like Dr. Greger, right? So somebody at the conference please offer him a job so that he can leave his highly-paid “meat”-industry position. If he wants to come back to the side of the animals, I’d even offer him a weekly health segment on my radio program and he could keep any sponsorship money.
Burger King Animal Rights Conference
Given its prestigious H$U$ award, why hasn’t FARM invited Burger King to speak at this year’s conference? I can just see it next year – “H$U$ Presents The Burger King Animal Rights Conference 2014, Sponsored by Joe Maxwell’s Humane Sausage and Spectrum Organic Mayonnaise – Made with Cage-Free Eggs, Banquet Catered by Wolfgang Puck Serving Humane Crate-Free Veal and Better-Than-Foie-Gras Cage-Free Chicken Liver Pate’, Sponsored by FARM”
Alex Hershaft, wherever you are, whoever removed you or replaced your brain and heart, please come back and accept your moral responsibility to reject animal – killing butchers from the “AR” movement instead of embracing them. You were once a hero to me. What happened to you, of all people, when concentration camp endorsement and policy can be acceptable to you?
Bob Linden / “GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN”/ www.GoVeganRadio.com
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