Why Would Farm Ban Me?
Why would FARM ban me? FARM accuses me of being disruptive at its pseudo-conference two years ago when I traveled 3000 miles, not to attend , but to protest that butchers had astonishingly hijacked the conference in favor of the egg industry agenda of animal rights approval for the concentration camp conditions of so-called “enriched” […]
Animal Rights Conference Censorship
FARM Has Banned Me from Speaking at Its (so-called) Animal Rights Conference Coming to Los Angeles – the city where GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN started broadcasting in 2001 on KRLA and was heard on KTLK on the Air America radio network, where I started WorldFest and other vegan festivals, and where I’ve been […]
saving chickens from “animal advocates”
Here are the conditions you were sold by Mercy For Animals, H$U$, Farm Sanctuary, Compassion Over Killing, FARM, ASPCA, and ALDF as the goal of the “animal rights movement” – Do any of the EGGS BENEDICT ARNOLDS now want to reverse positions – as IDA has – and reject partnering with the egg industry? Luckily […]
MFA Lunatic Response
Mercy For Animals Declines Interview on Its Questionable Policies Because Gary Francione and Bob Linden Are “Unreasonable Lunatics” As alarming as Mercy For Animals’ policies of animal betrayal are, equally disturbing are its refusal to engage in critical public dialogue about them, and its ludicrous excuses for such evasion. It is imperative for the animals […]
March 2 Program
Link to latest show debunking myth connecting “meat” and hunting to human brain growth with JERRY FRIEDMAN + fish advocacy with MARY FINELLI + GARY FRANCIONE on “happy meat” Niman singing the blues, Global Animal Partnership certification scam https://goveganradio.com/2014/03/05/02-march-2014/
Sustainable Livestock Conference
Southeastern Sustainable Livestock Conference – sponsored by the deceitful animal-killing butchers of the Humane Society of the United States (H$U$) http://www.southeasternsustainablelivestock.org/who-is-involved.html
January 19 Program
Wow! Mercy For Animals’ Supporters MUST Listen to This Radio Show! Nathan Runkle, Matt Rice Urged to Explain On-Air New Outrageous MFA Policy Embracing Pig-Killing Tyson’s and Its Expanded Murder & Vivisection Plans + one of the world’s greatest athletic achievement ever is discussed by JANETTE MURRAY-WAKELIN, who cured herself of breast cancer with a […]
January 19 Program
Wow! Mercy For Animals’ Supporters MUST Listen to This Radio Show! Nathan Runkle, Matt Rice Urged to Explain On-Air New Outrageous MFA Policy Embracing Pig-Killing Tyson’s and Its Expanded Murder & Vivisection Plans + one of the world’s greatest athletic achievement ever is discussed by JANETTE MURRAY-WAKELIN, who cured herself of breast cancer with a […]
January 12 Program
Mercy For Animals has lost its moral compass and with its new partnership with the pig killers of Tyson’s, it’s NO mercy for animals, but rather mercy for animals’ KILLERS – on this program, Professor GARY FRANCIONE calls the MFA campaign “a new low” – MFA supporters need to know what they are endorsing – […]
The purity of the VEGAN movement is simply that one has to be VEGAN to be in the movement, and therefore the virtues of VEGANISM are exclusive to VEGANS, and by definition, cannot be attributed to “animal-“product vegetarians” until they rid themselves of their diet of violence, mass murder, torture, environmental devastation, resource depletion, disease, […]