A Waste of MFA’s Time
Mercy For Animals says going on radio to explain its policies would be a “waste of time” distraction from its important “animal-saving work” – which is, what – supporting the egg industry, Tyson pig killing, Chipotle “humane meat”? The on-air invitation to Runkle and Rice remains open indefinitely from GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN […]
KPFA Commentary Resumes This Week
Vegan Animal Liberation Commentary with Bob Linden resumes this week on KPFA / Pacifica Radio, San Francisco Bay Area, 94.1FM www.kpfa.org Wednesdays, 8AM hour – also archived at www.GoVeganRadio.com – this week – sounding alarm bells over almost 9 million pounds of deadly “beef” unleashed on the public – and then covered up for a […]
HSUS, the “#1 animal protection org”, pushes members to cook and eat animals “nose to tail”
Outrageous Beyond Belief! When HSUS, the “#1 animal protection org”, pushes members to cook and eat animals “nose to tail” at its event where flesh (“meat”) is served, who will protect animals from H$U$ -YOU? Please SHARE & COMMENT https://www.facebook.com/HSUSFarmerOutreach/photos/pb.152141994984167.-2207520000.1393288079./210978469100519/?type=3&theater
Did California Vote for Cruel “Furnished” Cages When It Passed Prop 2?
Did California Vote for Cruel “Furnished” Battery Cages When It Passed Prop 2? H$U$ Thinks So! – from an assessment by Humane Farming Assn: Industry Drops Egg Bill — But Battle Continues HSUS on record as accepting modified battery cages as an industry standard — even in “cage-free” California The Humane Farming Association (HFA) today put into […]
dead egg bill
The newly announced separation – not divorce – between the Humane Society of the US and United Egg Producers represents continuing evolution of the unholy family relationship that has developed between animal killers and so-called animal advocates. This unforgivable marriage of “movement” to murderer is the greatest betrayal of animals ever, and millions upon millions […]
H$U$ = Meat Industry
I regard groups who betray animals and partner with those who torture and murder them to be one and the same – to campaign against H$U$, and its groupie group of groups, is the same as campaigning against the “meat” industry – the difference being that animal lovers aren’t donating $120 million annually to McDonald’s […]
FARM Shapiro, Meier
@FARMUSA FARM, “AR Conference” Organizer, Continues Downward Credibility Spiral – Says Shapiro, Meier Have Saved More Animals than All of Us Combined??? – from a Hershaft/Weber email: “We believe that the work Paul Shapiro does with supporting Beyond Eggs and Beyond Meat and introducing Meatless Mondays in California school districts, as well as Erica Meier’s work […]
pig-killing animal advocate
An “animal advocate” is NOT someone who kills 50,000 pigs for profit annually, even if he is a vice president of the Humane Society of the US, which is NOT an “animal advocacy” organization, because it hired him
Paul Shapiro’s Job Performance
Not a Peep from PAUL SHAPIRO? Why? As the Humane Society of the United States (H$U$) openly becomes a rancher advocacy organization, staffed by mass murderers of animals – we hear nothing from PAUL SHAPIRO, Vice President of Farm Animal Protection. It is time to demand that SHAPIRO do his job, that he speak out […]
Mercy For Animals’ Killers?
Mercy for Animals has painted a picture of progress for pigs at the bloody hands of their raping, mutilating, mass executioner, Tyson, that is as much a fantasy as the idyllic mural of their “happy” existence painted on that fence at Farmer John. There is a pattern most detrimental to animals that needs to be […]