Stanford Inn By the Sea


An Open Letter and Plea to the Open Philanthropy Project, Good Ventures, and GiveWell

$2.5 Million “Donated” to Mercy For Animals, the Humane Society of the United States, and the Humane League for Public Deception to Sell “Cage-Free” Eggs An Open Letter and Plea to the Open Philanthropy Project, Good Ventures, and GiveWell: The tragic news that the Open Philanthropy Project has decided to “donate” $1,000,000 to Mercy […]

The Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre Betrayal of Vegans Is Worse Than You Think

The Cafe Gratitude, Gracias Madre Betrayal of Vegans Is Worse Than You Think – So Think Permanent Boycott!!! It is ironic, to say the least, that through the patronage of vegans, the owners of Cafe Gratitude and Gracias Madre restaurants are now able to afford the purchase the Be Love Farm in Vacaville, California where […]

Finally, Democracy Now actually did a story about the devastating consequences of animal agriculture

Finally, after endless cajoling, the ice has broken – or, the glacial ice has melted – and Democracy Now actually did a story about the devastating consequences of animal agriculture – only 14 years after the debut of my radio program; better late than never, but almost too late to save the planet from the […]

A letter to Yeb Sano, missing from Climate Summit in Peru, a scheduled speaker at the World Vegan Summit

Yes, THE Yeb Sano, who is the central figure in this week’s Democracy Now climate coverage from Peru, IS SCHEDULED TO SPEAK at the World Vegan Summit & Expo: Mr. Sano discussed why he’s vegan on GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN: I sent him the following email earlier today: Greetings Yeb, I’m […]

Love Animals? Hate HSUS!

The HSUS message is “Love Animals? Eat Them!”. How have we come to the point where “loving animals” now means – “with ketchup”? Just as you cannot be a “meat”-eating environmentalist, you cannot support the Humane Society of the United States and be an “animal advocate” (or environmental advocate, or human health advocate, or social […]

Karen Davis UPC

Before I address criteria in the decision-making process regarding speakers at the WORLD VEGAN SUMMIT & EXPO and why I feel that UPC is an inappropriate choice at this time, I would first like to ask that Karen Davis retract the following, as she attributes statements to me that I have never made. I first […]

Wayne Pacelle & John Robbins

I love JOHN ROBBINS for the positive impact he has had on my life, and for inspiring countless others to GO VEGAN! John always wants to do the right thing, yet somehow he has been misled into presenting blood-soaked anti-vegan butcher WAYNE PACELLE as a “visionary speaker” in his “2014 Food Revolution Summit”. The glowing […]

Sponsors Needed in Support of World Vegan Summit & Expo

ATT: VEGAN BUSINESSES – EXTRAORDINARY SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO GAIN PRODUCT AWARENESS WHILE HELPING MAKE POSSIBLE AN URGENT WORLD-CLASS EVENT FOR ANIMALS, HUMAN HEALTH, & ENVIRONMENT – time-sensitive sponsorship opportunity open to only six supporting advertisers who market vegan and cruelty-free products. It is being offered for the purpose of raising funds to secure […]

please donate to WORLD VEGAN SUMMIT & EXPO PLEASE HELP! We’ve received $600 in donations + $1000 from Vegetarian House vegan restaurant / San Jose toward the $7500 now needed to secure our Southern California venue for the WORLD VEGAN SUMMIT & EXPO in March of 2015, where “animal advocacy” for “humane happy slaughter & meat” is dumped in the trash in […]

FARM Sells Speaker Slots at AR Conference

FARM Sells Speaker Slots at AR Conference! Gold Sponsorship Package ($5,000): Ten full registrations & banquet tickets with VIP seating A welcoming slot at the opening plenary Placement of up to three qualified speakers in appropriate sessions One qualified speaker in daytime panel topic arranged by you Three prime exhibit tables (or equivalent space) Prominent link […]

Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset