Fresh Eyes Upon the World

Stanford Inn By the Sea


My Response to Outrageous Gibberish from the Anti-Animal, Pro-“Meat”, Anti-Environment SIERRA CLUB

I discussed the stupidest article I’ve ever read on my radio program recently: It is such an insult to intelligence, that it also merits a written response… The Sierra Club is a fraud in much the same way as the Humane Society of the United States is. Neither is dedicated to its supposed […]

Some people are upset that I conducted an anti-vaccine interview recently

Some people are upset that I conducted an anti-vaccine interview recently on GO VEGAN RADIO WITH BOB LINDEN (link below) with Kent Heckenlively, author of “Inoculated – How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism”, presumably without any inspection or consideration of the hidden documents he seeks to expose. Vaccination is a religion in this country, […]

DxE Meet Hillary – When “Until Every Animal Is Free” Is Spun Into Anti-Trump Rhetoric for the Clinton Campaign

DxE Meet Hillary – When “Until Every Animal Is Free” Is Spun Into Anti-Drumpf Rhetoric for the Clinton Campaign I really do like, admire, and respect the people whose care and concern about animals motivate them to want to take direct action. What is unfortunate is that many of those people have gravitated toward an […]

Att: Attendees of the World Vegan Summit & Expo

Att: Attendees of the World Vegan Summit & Expo – Talk about Your Experience on Go Vegan Radio, Complete Our Survey, Share Your Videos & Photos – SEE BELOW… Finally, I have washed the fingerprints of every attendee at the World Vegan Summit & Expo off of Daisy’s little vegan chihuahua body, and I am […]

I was just accused of being “sexist” for criticizing Hillary Clinton’s pro-war policies

I was just accused of being “sexist” for criticizing Hillary Clinton’s pro-war policies. My response… Please look at how the very-corrupt Hillary Clinton has corrupted your thinking. You are calling me, an anti-war peace activist -“sexist”, with no basis for that other than my protesting her warmongering. You then note that historically, warmongering has been […]

The Things We Fear from Donald Trump Are Already Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments

The Things We Fear from Donald Drumpf Are Already Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments Make a Statement with the Hottest Bumper Sticker of This Political Season! Choose “Eat Republicans NOT Animals” or “Eat Democrats NOT Animals” when you donate a “Bernie” ($27 – or more) to GO VEGAN RADIO. This is not a political endorsement, but merely a […]


Coming soon, FARM-USA will host “AR-CON”, the egg industry’s annual conference for its lobbyists having the greatest impact on the “animal rights movement”… Last year, Josh Balk, the leading egg salesman for HSUS was inducted into the “animal rights hall of fame”, which apparently is some photo collection on Alex Hershaft’s bathroom wall. This year […]

“Animal Rights” CON-ference: “Meat-Eating Vegans” for Egg Consumption

As long as you are aware that your attendance at FARM-USA’s “Animal Rights” CON-ference in Los Angeles funds a fraudulent movement to the great detriment of animals, then fork over your blood-stained money. The organizer of this event, FARM – “Farm Animal Rights Movement”, abandoned its moral principles years ago to join a partnership with […]

Bernie Names Buffoon, Bill McKibben, Platform Adviser

HEY BERNIE – Your platform choice, Bill McKibben, is totally detrimental to addressing climate change and needs to be reconsidered. All the divestment in the world won’t save us – only a massive shift to veganism will. That’s what science tells us. Please listen. It’s not Exxon. It’s Ben & Jerry’s. The carbon emitted from […]

“Animal Rights Movement” Compromised by “Cage-Free” Egg Salesmen

The employer of the author of this hen hatchet piece just received a $500,000 “donation” from the Open Philanthropy Project to mislead the public about “cage-free” eggs. To say that things are “looking up” for the birds in “cage-free operations is either obscene, or true in the context that each one of these millions of […]

Loving Hut San Francsisco Sunset