DxE Pseudo Activism Needs to Be Flushed Down the Toilet
This demonstration is the stupidest shit I have ever seen and DxE really needs to go away and stop hurting animals with such idiocy. First of all, shitheads, and I say that with affection and all due respect for those inadvertently splashing poop in their hair while shoveling it on the woman on the sidewalk […]

YOU Can Make REGGAE VEGAN FEST Happen!!! Please make a tax-deductible donation NOW to plant the seeds for REGGAE VEGAN FEST! Funds are needed at this time to secure venues. Create the POSITIVE VIBRATIONS of exciting, unique, life-changing events in California… coming this October & November, with your help… DONATE HERE Interested in being a […]

I feel compelled to organize another major event. https://goveganradio.com/donate/ I can’t fight it, so I just purchased the domain www.LAreggaeVEGANfest.com. There’s nothing there yet. I just learned of the availability of Los Angeles State Historic Park (capacity 20,000), and I’m looking at a date in either September or November. I guarantee that this would be […]

Our Obligation to Animals to Shut Down the Obscene & Perverted Humane Society of the United States – for Good
So it took a salsa-dancing masturbation fetish to dethrone Wayne Pacelle, and Paul Shapiro dancing and prancing in his jockey shorts in front of employees (singing his tune about wanting sex with as many women as possible) to be his demise. Hallelujah! Good riddance! Sexual misconduct in the workplace – and anywhere else – is […]
The Joy of Dairy & Eggs
I received an email from someone interested in going Vegan, but she said she finds joy in eating dairy and eggs, and that the farmers in Vermont treat animals well. My response… Hi Sue, My thoughts could fill 16 years of radio shows. For the joy – or momentary pleasure of the palate – animals […]
The Charity Evaluator that Can’t Evaluate Charities
Wow! Animal Charity Evaluators thinks the Gates Foundation is the highest model of exemplary altruistic philanthropy (even though it’s the biggest funder of GMO’s, in bed with Monsanto, Bayer, the Clinton Foundation, huge pharma, huge agribusiness, climate geoengineering, and mass vaccinations pumping monkey kidney, calf serum, and formaldehyde into innocent children). It looks like ACE […]
A Plate of Ahimsa, Please
Read Bob Linden’s article “A Plate of Ahimsa, Please” published in the March 2005 edition of Yogi Times. This articles responds to a previous article, “Conscious Carnivores”(as if that’s possible), published in Yogi Times (Dec/Jan 2005). A Plate of Ahimsa, Please (putting peace on the menu) By Bob Linden How curious it is for me […]
Ralph Nader Duped by HSUS’ CEO Wayne Pacelle
The following letter was sent to Ralph Nader regarding a Ralph Nader Radio Hour show that can be heard at: https://ralphnaderradiohour.com/nurses-unitedanimal-welfare/ Hi Ralph, For 16 years I have hosted “Go Vegan Radio with Bob Linden”, a program that has been heard on the Air America radio network, the Genesis Communications Network, and CBS and Clear […]
Obscene! Cows, Pigs, Chickens, & Dogs Really Getting the (Her)SHAFT from Fake “Animal Rights Conference”
Obscene! Cows, Pigs, Chickens, & Dogs Really Getting the (Her)SHAFT from Fake “Animal Rights Conference” – organizer FARMusa.org & Alex Hershaft Must Go! YOU Must Go Too – to Protest (NOT to Support this Depraved Betrayal of Animals!!!) …I wish I could be there… What is called the “animal rights CONference” really makes me want […]
URGENT – Climate March Follow-Up for Environmentalists
Climate March Follow-Up: An Urgent Appeal to Reject Planet-Destroying “Environmental” Organizations’ Counter-Productive Activities & Actually Do What’s Necessary to Stop Climate Change Before It’s Too Late! This is the most important information that you will ever hear about Climate Change – a truth so inconvenient that “environmental” groups hide it from the public, which pretty […]