13 December 2015
Author CAITLIN GALER-UNTI talks about “The Essential Vegan Travel Guide” + The Environment Needs to Be Saved – from the Environmental Movement + High Cholesterol – in Children + commentary with Professors GARY FRANCIONE & ANNA CHARLTON.
06 December 2015
Hear an assessment of climate change by NASA scientist James Hansen who agrees that dietary change is the best action individuals can take + more about “humane” violations on the pig “farm” run by a Humane Society of the United States’ vice president, as BOB invites listeners to sing along with “Old Joe Maxwell’s Farm” […]
29 November 2015
Listen: CAN THIS BE TRUE? Farm Run by Humane Society of US’ Vice President Repeatedly Suspended for Humane Violations, Inhumane Treatment / Slaughter? + Turkey Day at GO VEGAN RADIO means taking a look at the growing vegan movement in that country, and we talk to GÜLCE ÖZEN GÜRKAN in Istanbul + commentary with Professors […]
22 November 2015
Problems in Syria Caused by “Meat”, Dairy, Fish, and Egg Consumption? +Vegan Ad Campaign in Ireland Ignites Furor – we talk about it with the campaign’s organizer, SANDRA HIGGINS of the Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary + Professors GARY FRANCIONE and ANNA CHARLTON with a preview of their upcoming new book + BOB announces that comedian […]
15 November 2015
Listen, Parents – the World Health Organization has concluded that EATING “MEAT” CAUSES CANCER and classifies “it” the same as asbestos and cigarette smoking + Part 2 with TODD SHUMAN of Wasteful UnReasonable Use and more shocking facts about the devastation in CA caused by animal agriculture + commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE – y”.
08 November 2015
Environmental Shocker!!! YOU MUST HEAR THIS SHOW if you are concerned about climate change, water, or California, as the analysis of animal agriculture presented by TODD SHUMAN of Wasteful UnReasonable Use will blow your mind + commentary from Professor GARY FRANCIONE: “effectivene$$ vs purity”.
01 November 2015
Guest MICHELLE CARRERA talks about “Chilis on Wheels”, an organization she founded last Thanksgiving when she could find no vegan soup kitchens feeding the homeless in NYC + It’s World Vegan Day, the Day of the Dead, and the day after Halloween + commentary with Professor GARY FRANCIONE.
25 October 2015
BOB’s observations on “Food Day” + guest KEITH TUCKER talks about his vegan hip hop tour + Professor GARY FRANCIONE reviews last week’s discussion with FARM USA’s Michael Webermann and discusses his trip to the London VegFest and interest in veganism in the UK.
18 October 2015
A heated yet chilling discussion among FARM-USA’s MICHAEL WEBERMANN, GARY FRANCIONE, and BOB concerning today’s sell-out “animal rights movement” and FARM’s compromising role organizing its main CON-ference + Farm Sanctuary to honor a dairy and egg eating celeb at its upcoming gala + NON-VEGAN “Vegetarianism”: an absurd, meaningless concept whose time has passed.
11 October 2015
“Obama-DON’T-Care” – that’s what BOB calls the TPP, the secret trade deal that the “meat” and dairy industries are applauding + guest BUTTERFLIES KATZ discusses her latest books “Why I Will Always Be Vegan” and “I’m a Vegan —–” in which BOB has written “I’m a Vegan Broadcaster”.