20 March 2005
It’s the first day of Spring which means it’s MeatOut, and we talk to its founder from the Farm Animal Reform Movement – Alex Hershaft. Also, about those Easter eggs and the label on most egg cartons “Animal Care Certified” – Nathan Runkle of Mercy For Animals says “Animal Cruelty Certified” after his investigation. Is […]
13 March 2005
Alex Hershaft founder of FARM – Farm Animal Reform Movement – and the Great American MeatOut now celebrating its 20th anniversary. Info on MeatOut events, demonstrations against the Canadian seal massacre, peace march info, Natural Products Expo, Honeybaked ham protest.
6 March 2005
Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate Walter Moore who was endorsed by a recent humane community conference. Also, another serial killer is in the news – and so should be the link with animal abuse and violence. Hear about Earth Day for the Animals, Saturday, April 23, at Kung Food Restaurant in San Diego as well as […]
27 February 2005
Actress and Activist PAMELYN FERDIN (Lucy on Peanuts specials, Charlotte’s Web, Star Trek, Tony Randall’s daughter on The Odd Couple, and on and on) on the campaign to make LA pounds humane (www.StopTheKilling.net). Also, details on the March 15 worldwide protest against the Canadian seal massacre; and chicken-eating may result in flu epidemic that kills […]
20 February 2005
No description was provided for this episode.
13 February 2005
No description was provided for this episode.
6 February 2005
The heroic CAPTAIN PAUL WATSON founder of GREENPEACE and the SEA SHEPHERD SOCIETY to talk about his upcoming voyage to Canada in protest of the mass killing of 350,000 seal pups this year. Also, SAUL ALARCON volunteer coordinator for the “HOLD A SIGN, RAKE A LINE” effort to protect the beloved seal colony of La […]
30 January 2005
Ingrid discusses her new book, “Making Kind Choices”. Also, how to help save the wild horses currently threatened on federal lands.
23 January 2005
First-ever humane political conference attended by many Los Angeles’ mayoral candidates courting an important newly-recognized constituency; and whom is the animal rights community endorsing for LA mayor?
16 January 2005